When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Thursday, September 21, 2006 Raccoons: Are they More Devious than We Thought?
Yes, yes, and yes!
I’ve known this story all my life, but it was brought up in conversation the other day so I thought I’d put it on my blog. My mom and my cousin Brandi (5 years younger) were at Aunt Cindy’s house. Aunt Cindy is Brandi’s mom. Mom was about 13 and Brandi about 8. Aunt Cindy had a demented raccoon that was stranger than she thought. It cornered my mom and Brandi in a room, threatening them for hours until they could defend themselves well enough to get out. Uncle Dane, being a redneck, decided to freeze it. Yes, freeze it to death. They threw it in a big freezer for 2 days. When they opened the door the raccoon hopped out, still evil. Raccoons, fur, not that big of a deal. So, Uncle Dane decided to shoot it. He took it out back with a his gun and shot it, where the raccoon fell into the pond behind for a drown of doom, not to come back again. Right? Wrong! The next day, it was sitting on the porch, a little bit of dried blood on it. A look of demonic ideas reflecting in his eyes. Hanging out like a raccoon. Nothing abnormal about his behavior. Yes, I am dead serious. Eventually, Dane shot at it and it ran into the woods, where raccoons belong. Never seen again by Aunt Cindy or her family. We don’t know about anyone else... My point, raccoons are not to be kept in a house under human possession. They are wild and apparently reluctant to leave. Now that I’ve scared the living daylights out of you and you are convinced that raccoons are demons, I bid you good day. Will post more soon.
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