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    Friday, January 06, 2006

    Spelling Bee '06!!!

    I'll tell you the story from the beginning...
    Every detail and word I can remember...
    Into the Cafeteria
    The intercom buzzed on, and the principal's voice boomed through the class saying, "Will all spelling bee participants report to the cafeteria immediately."
    I got up and walked out the door and Chris followed. (He came in second in the class spelling bee.) We walked down the hall and caught up with Andrew and the other people. Andrew asked how many pages I had studied. I told him around 2. The principal gave us 14... He had studied 9 and was laughing because I hadn't. Oh well. We walked into the cafeteria with the other 60 kids waiting there. Actually, we were 2 short. Zach (winner of 04 bee) was on vacation and Jordan (F) didn't want to because she hadn't gotten the words to study. We stood in the cafeteria until Mrs. Garlington came in.

    The Bee
    Mrs. Garlington directed us to our seats. "J, you are number 26. Over there." I was seated by Chris who was seated by Chris. The audience came in and Mrs. Garlington gave us a brief set of rules. Chris asked how many I thought would be out by round 1. I said around half, or thirty. He said he thought about ten. After round 1, almost half of the contestants were gone. "Toldja so!" I couldn't help telling Chris! Haha! After a couple rounds, I was stuck with the word "psywar". I was just about to say "C-Y-W-A-R" when I thought, maybe not. I asked for a definition and the word that stood out was "psychological". I knew immediately it was P-S-Y-W-A-R. I was right! After that, Chris got out and Mark got out, Andrew had gotten out, and I was one of 3 remaining contestants. "If she gets this one right, she will win." Dialogue time: "J, your word is emulsify." I spelled it "E-M-U-L-S-I-F-Y." Oops...big mistake... But I was not disqualified! The other 2 kids went and lost their words. I went up to spell one more time. I forgot what word I got, all I remember was: "That is correct." Mrs. Garlington came up to me with the 1st place trophy. I was the winner. Now they had to find the runner-up. The two remaining people battled it out while I sat on stage with them, trying to scratch the "Made in Italy" sticker off the trophy. Eventually, the older student (older than me) got a word right and was given 2nd place trophy. I still couldn't get the "Made in Italy" sticker off...

    After the Bee
    I have never been congratulated so many times before! My art teacher and my language teacher came up and congratulated me, other contestants congratulated me. Mama and Dad took my picture, and so did the librarian. I heard my name over the intercom, and that was only the beginning...

    In the Classroom
    I put the trophy in my locker and walked to class. I open the door just in time to hear my teacher say "The spelling bee winner!". I was standing in front of Paxton, Krista, and Jordan, all smiling like I had slain a dragon or something. "1--2--3!!!" came out of Paxtons mouth, and then nothing out of mine. I couldn't breath through all the girls hugging and squeezing me!!! Oh yeah, Chris too, that was kind of funny.

    link | posted by J at 4:22 PM |


    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 6:53 PM, January 05, 2007~  

    I don't think I got all that attention! lol :)

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