When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Saturday, September 23, 2006 Livi Comes Over
We’re Home!
Olivia and I hopped into the car and went to her house. She went to get her overnight bag and then headed home. We came in and she greeted the dogs. We took our stuff upstairs and decided to chill. She played my piano and I played her flute. Don’t You Remember Me? Keaton does not know Livi’s cell number, so we called him from there. “Hi this is Jennifer Baker, I know you.” Keaton desperately tried to explain that she had the wrong number and when she explained, “Third grade, Mrs. Nesbitt’s class.” He decided to believe her. He told her he didn’t remember her and she started “crying hysterically” and she hung up. From the same number “Marrisa”, that’s me, called explaining “Jennifer’s” depression and grief. Jennifer was in the background crying “Why, Keaton? Why?” She had explained that she had loved him since she met him. Marissa told him that Jennifer loved him and she went on and on about her. When they hung up, Keaton called me. He asked if I remembered a Jennifer Baker. I questioned him and he told me the story. Later he found out that Olivia was at my house and he put 2 and 2 together. We also called Lisa with a similar story, but Olivia was “Braden, Jin Jin’s friend.” We told Lisa pretty quickly. Air Hockey After Bailey left for Emilie’s house, Liv and I went downstairs to play air hockey. We turned up the volume on Mom’s PC and we played air hockey! I started off winning with a breeze, but Liv ended up beating me. We played a few rounds with the puck quantity ranging from 1 to 3. Yes, we did get hurt. I can’t play air hockey and not make the puck fly. I hit it so hard it got lost behind some jars on a high shelf. I got it back though. Livi hit me a few times but it didn’t hurt. It would go right past us and we would open our mouths wide in amazement. Ebay Liv and I love the song “eBay” by Weird Al. We decided to make a music video for that song. It started out where Olivia made an appointment with a therapist who was me. I dressed the part. Her character was fairly secret about her reasons for therapy. When she told the therapist she had an obsession, I asked her what it was with. She stared off into space. Her vision is the Ebay song. It starts out where she’s getting everything on eBay and it doesn’t matter. It is synchronized to the hilarious song, of course. As it goes on, the shoppers start acting differently, obsessing over eBay and dressing strangely and acting strangely. It’s very funny. At the end of the song, Olivia comes out of her vision. The therapist gets her attention and Olivia replies with, “Actually, I think I just solved my problem, thank you for your time.” She leaves the room with the therapist very confused. During the song, they had a snowglobe where the words “A rare mint snow globe” occur. When the therapist picks up the pillow, she finds the snowglobe used during the song, and that ends the video. We began the video that night and continued the next morning. Night We stayed up until 12 or 12:30, doing random stuff on the computer and talking. We also played with my “Stringin’ It”, a light show reflecting on a white string creating a multicolored spinning light effect. It is awesome! And Olivia loved it! Morning We woke up and had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We played air hockey, played on the computer, yadayadayada. Bailey was still at Emile’s birthday party and not to be home until noon. Something Wasn’t Right Liv and I played air hockey and then went outside on the trampoline. That didn’t last long. We went into Mom’s office to wash our hands. I took a step onto the rug in the bathroom. Eeww... Chills ran through my foot and the cold swept past my veins. The water bubbled up around my foot, trying to swallow it whole. My foot sank into the freezing wet rug. I jumped, my foot was dripping. I edged around to wash my hands, even in a state like that I had to feel clean. Liv and I ran upstairs to get Mom. When she came down, she was startled. Only the rug. The sink wasn’t leaking, not the toilet either. I went to get Dad. He looked in the cave (read the middle paragraph) and found a whole section flooded. The storm yesterday consisted of rain and hail, and it had gotten into a vent that led into the cave. The water had soaked through and soaked the rug in the bathroom. Dad had ti suck it out. The Last Bit Liv stayed until 6:15. We had lunch from Sonic and we had spent most of the day working on the video which will turn out great. We talked a lot and had lots of fun. I am so glad Olvia got to come over! I had an awesome time. I can’t wait until she comes again.
link | posted by J at 9:40 PM |
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