When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Branson!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated!
Well, last weekend we went to Branson! Since I can’t explain every detail, I hit some highlights. There was no school on Friday due to teacher meetings, so it we were there for some of Thursday and 3 whole days. The first thing we did was eat at Joe’s Crab Shack. I got a shirt! It was so good! I had shrimp and some of my Mom’s crab which was delicious! Then, we watched a little bit of Branson Landing. The next day, I was sucked into a maze with no way out! Every where I turned there was a horrible disgusting sign that said “vf”. Yes, I had to shop! This is where the creepy music plays. We covered almost an entire outlet mall. From cooking to underwear I saw it all. Bleechh! Luckily, I threw away my boredom and we drove to Celebration City! We entered and Bailey was quite nervous. It was her first amusement park since Disney World a couple years ago. But that was too harsh for her. Needless to say, she rode no real rides. Only a couple kiddie rides. Of course, I rode the merry-go-round with her. Even though I’m tough and strong! LOL! We did water rides and roller coasters. I love Thunderbolt! But Mom didn’t like it because of the jerk at the end. It’s so fast and the corkscrews only make it better! Wildcat is awesome too! The tilt-a-whirl was down and that broke my heart. Sniff... We were there for a few hours. We would have stayed longer but Dad, Grandma, and Bail were bored. They’re wimps! SsHh! But I have to support Grandma because she is so awesome for doing the Orbiter. That was awesome! Mom and I could have gone on forever! Dad actually won some monkeys for Bail and I. And you’ll never guess what he won for Mom. A large glass box stretched down to a wall. Dad moved the handle and the claw went to the back, towards the giant dragon Mom fell in love with. He caught it and started bringing it towards the box. It was going to fall, we knew it. But we were excited. It came closer and closer, but it slipped. Wait! It was hanging on! By his ginormous foot! It fell into the box and Mom got her prize! All thanks to Dad. The next day was SVC day! We started off eating. I got a huge cinnamon roll. I love Silver Dollar! We took a lot of pictures! Mom and I rode a lot of rides. Thunderation rocks! And I absolutely loved the swings that made you fly, even though it was a really easy ride. Of course, we rode the classic Fire In The Hole. No doubt. And my personal favorite, Thunderation! I’m crazy for wooden roller coasters. They’re so unexpecting and you really feel it in your stomach which is so fun! We rode a ton of rides. And Bailey loved the petting zoo. She was very interested in the bunnies while I was playing with the goats. They’re so cute! But no fainting goats, so sad... LOL! I also thought the old-time school was interesting. While Mom and I were flying in the air, Dad got us more monkeys! Well, that’s our trip. We went to other restaurants and stores, but those are the highlights. Will post more soon!
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