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    Tuesday, February 03, 2009

    "Disaster Area"

    I saw the text. I did. I read it. I knew it.
    But I didn't understand it. I thought it was...an expression. It couldn't really mean anything, could it?
    "we're in a state of emergency"

    Close your eyes. Imagine you're cold, you're scared, you're in pitch black nothingness. There's crashing...heavy, thick crashing sounds, trees are falling everywhere...ice is shattering...And there's no escape from it.
    That's how Northwest Arkansas felt Tuesday night...January 27th, and for the following days and the following nights. Fun right?
    It all started when we got out of school on Monday early because of a little ice...Ooh scary! Yah...No. Jocelyn came home with me. I thought having no school the next day was iffy, and we'd be going back soon. Then our power went out the next morning. Uh oh. It wasn't too bad, I had Jocelyn to hang out with. We walked outside and it was one of the most beautiful things imaginable. The ground looked like crystals. The trees were frozen, and everything was blue...My favorite color. Icicles sparkled against the gray sky. It was great.

    But then a few hours later you could hear ice hitting the windows. And trees falling. It was loud..scary. And that's how it was. For 2 and a half days. Yay.
    I kept texting my friends, checking to see if they were all right, and they did the same with me. But unfortunately not everyone was as safe as I was. Some had trees fall on their cars, houses, and even themselves. No one could drive on the roads, because if the ice didn't kill them...the trees would. It was scary to go outside...even for a minute.
    Me and Jocelyn kept ourselves entertained. We played games and took pictures. We ended up not having school for the rest of the week. And before we knew it...Jocelyn had been with me for 7 days and 6 nights. It was great ^_^.
    It was surreal when we finally got out of the house. Trees in the middle of the road, houses abolished. We found out people had been taking shelter at the high school, in the gym. Hotels were booked full of the locals. And everything outside just looked...dead. As if knowing what was happening outside wasn't bad enough...we had to see it.
    It was a good experience. I think everyone learned something from it. Whether to appreciate what they have or just a brief removal from their superficial lives. I just...hope it never happens again.

    link | posted by J at 4:47 PM |


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