When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Sunday, August 10, 2008 Misplaced? Part One.
California is so amazing.
I loved it there so much, but some pretty weird things happened… ;] Post 1: California Babee♥ Post 2: Where's Ben? ••• DMA, Digital Media Academy. Exactly. Digital MEDIA Academy. As in they generally carry expensive equipment for MEDIA purposes. So the equipment generally includes things like ○A camera bag--$50 ○Camera Battery--$50 ○Shmancy Pants Microphone--$250 And in most circumstances, considering it IS film camp, they have ○Professional Video Camera--$3500 Hm… ••• Here’s a quick rundown of who’s who. Margaret-Camp Coordinator Ryan P.-Counselor Nick-Teacher. Ryan-Student. Syddhi-Student. Got that? Good. They are great people. For 6 days, those are the people I talked to, helped out, learned from, and confided in…Wait a sec… ••• ○Mon. 12:00 PM○ Every day we had lunch at 12. Ryan, Siddhi, and I would go down to the caf, a simple 5 minute walk, and Nick would go to his car and get food because he’s a teacher, he can do whatever he wants. So we left, locked the door behind us, and went on our way. 20-30 minutes later we came back, and everything was perfectly fine. We came in, sat down, just your average film camp. Haha. Yah right. ○Tues. 12:00 PM○ The four of us locked up and went to lunch. I had pizza by the way. Hehe. About 12:20 Ryan, Siddhi, and I came back and went to the roof and waited for Nick to get back. Margaret was walking by so we asked her to unlock the door for us, and she let us in. Going about our own business we realized that we couldn’t find the camera bag. ...The camera bag with the microphone in it. So we figured oh well, Nick probably left it in his car or something. When Nick walked in the door we asked where the camera bag was. He told us it was right where we left it…but that spot was empty. ○Wed. 12:00 PM○ We had told Margaret about the camera bag, and she said it was just misplaced, we’ll find it. So again we went to lunch. Ryan, Siddhi, and I came back about 12:20ish and Margaret unlocked the door. The last person who had been in that classroom was the four of us and Ryan P. One of us went to turn the camera on and found that the battery was missing. Just…gone. First thought, it fell out. …Nope. Second thought, somebody put it in the camera bag. Oh wait…that’s not possible. Third thought, it’s been snatched. Nick came back and the four of us tore the room apart. No battery. Somebody was playing a prank on us. In a room of mega-expensive computers and high tech EVERYTHING what would someone want with a battery and a microphone? So, Ryan and I, Ryan having had personal issues with this person, suspected it was the counselor. It had to be, he could’ve easily snatched the battery and left. He was notorious for pranks like this. So of course, we’re film geeks right? We put up security cameras for the next day. ;] ••This post is getting long, so I’ll update this story some more later on another post. Leave a comment as to what you think so far. :]]••
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