When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Thursday, August 07, 2008 Where's Ben?
Here’s a the jist, this is my second post about my San Diego trip, if you want to read my first post on the subject “California Babee♥”, then Click Here.
••• I’m going to walk you through a series of events that made my stay at UCSD…interesting…to say in the least. ○Wed. 5:30 P.M.○ Seven of us from the floor, excluding Jacob, walked down to the beach because it was really nice outside. It was really fun. And Ben was with us the whole time. We got back a little after 6 and some of the boys went out to play frisbee. Of course, I sat on a table and watched them. It was really cool, we did this almost every night anyways so nothing out of the ordinary right? ○Wed. 7:30 P.M.○ From 7-10 every night the computer labs were open for anyone who wanted to work on their project. So every night Ryan and I would go there to hang out and work and watch MadTv hehe. But this time Ryan was still playing frisbee so I went inside to get my stuff before we left. I saw Jacob at the dorms and asked where his roommate Ben was, because he wasn’t outside playing frisbee. He told me that Ben had come into the dorm a little after 6, grabbed something off his desk, and left without saying a word. I didn’t think much of it, curfew was 10 so wherever he was didn’t really matter. I left with Ryan and we were at the computer lab moments later. ○Wed. 9:30 P.M.○ Ryan and I got bored so decided to come back early. We walked in on a room of 4 guys. Jacob was asleep, and Ryan and I had just arrived. Of course I noticed and asked where Ben was. Everybody sat up and realized “OMG nobody’s seen Ben in hours.” Our counselor just told us not to worry he’ll be back by ten. ○Wed. 10:00 P.M.○ “Ok here’s the map of the campus. Don’t go too far. Jordan, you and Ryan stay together. We’re splitting up.” ○Wed. 10:10 P.M.○ Me and Ryan were down by the library, about half a mile away from the dorms. ..Screaming Ben’s name. We got a phone call telling us to come back. So we did. ○Wed. 10:20 P.M.○ “Ok you guys, this is getting serious. We’re splitting up again.” …You’d be amazed how warped your mind gets when you think of the worst case scenario for one of these situations. Me and Ryan went down to look by Muir College. ○Wed. 10:30ish P.M.○ It was getting cold. It was dark. Me and Ryan were walking a different route calling Bens name. Nothing. It was kind of fun, like an adventure. But…we had no idea what was going on. At one point, we were crossing the street and three white vans floored it and charged right at us, driving zig zag all through the road. It was so weird, we ran to the other side of the road as fast as we could and watched the vans keep driving, and driving, and driving. We called our counselor. No sign of Ben. ○Wed. 10:45 P.M.○ “Ryan, what if Ben is…” “Dead?” “Wo.” We got back to the dorms and headed over to where the cops were stationed. We had to describe him and everything. He asked if any of us had a picture. Then I remembered at the beach I was filming Ryan try to walk down a cliff and Ben walked into my shot. So we sat there and played my video until Ben came into the screen. The cops left. And Margaret, the camp coordinator, was making calls left and right. ○Wed. 11:00 P.M.○ Ryan went and grabbed more food, and I got probably my 5th water bottle in an hour. That’s what freaking out does to ya. We had stopped looking for Ben, that was the police’s business now. *BANGING ON MY DOOR* “They found Ben!” …False alarm. ○Wed. 11:30 P.M○. Ben walked in the door. We all just stared. He looked straight at us and said “Hi.” The counselor asked where he had been. He shrugged, “On a walk.” …On a five and half hour walk. A five and half hour walk that got him a ride back to the dorms in a police car. Guess where they found him. Muir College.
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