When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Sunday, August 17, 2008 Misplaced? Part 3.
Gotta love Southern California.
Gorgeous beaches, an unbelievable atmosphere, and handcuffs with my name written on em. :] Post 1: California Babee♥ Post 2: Where's Ben? Post 3: Misplaced Post 4: Misplaced P.2 ••• Recap: Over $4000 worth of equipment goes missing all of a sudden, Jamba Juice is awesome, and oh yah they kinda sorta think I did it. :/ ••• ○Thurs. 5:20ish PM○ “So hand it over.” Me and Ryan were FREAKED out. This summer had taken one heck of a weird turn over the course of three days. “Look, you guys know I don’t want to believe you did it, I really don’t, but seriously if you guys have it please just give it back and we can forget this ever happened.” We totally understood her position, I mean I would’ve suspected me too if I didn’t know me that well AND I had no alibi AND I was the last one left alone in that class…But…I didn’t know how to explain to her that I didn’t do it. She was getting angry, perfectly understandable. She made a few phone calls and left. Me and Ryan went outside, we definitely needed AIR. This was getting weird. ○○○ A few minutes after our meeting with Margaret I was starting to unfreak a bit. Me and Ben were playing with a soccer ball and Ryan was playing frisbee. Everything was totally normal. Until Ryan came up to me and told me to look to my right… ○Thurs. 6:00ish PM○ I looked to my right. Two police officers were walking behind Margaret. You know those dramatic scenes in books and whatever where they try to explain what it’s like to feel your heart skip a beat, your blood turn completely cold, your stomach leap into your throat, and that infamous deathly shiver that crawls through your spine? …I would try to describe it, but it felt a lot scarier. Lol! ○○○ They questioned Ryan for a long time. The cop they assigned to “interrogate” me was nice, and he didn’t question me very much. We conversed a lot very casually actually. Towards the end he asked me who I thought it was. That’s not a question I wanted to answer. It could have been any of the 4 of us, we each had our own little story that could’ve easily made any one of us the culprit. I told him straight up that the only people I knew 100% that didn’t do it was myself and Ryan. Cuz I saw him come out of the bathroom that day and I knew that he didn’t go back to the classroom after I left. I asked him who he thought it was. And I didn’t like his answer. ○Thurs. 7:00ish PM○ “I guess we’re not going to the lab today huh?” “I doubt it.” Ok, we had pretty much hit freak-out mode. Me and Ryan walked into our rooms at the same time and walked out at the same time with our hands full of food. I wasn’t hungry at all, but in such a situation only Famous Amos cookies could make things better. :]] The counselor kept telling us it had to be Nick. But it couldn’t be, we watched him. We saw the whole thing happen, and there was no way he could’ve taken it. We had a lot of respect for Nick, and we trusted him. It didn’t help that the counselor was calling his friends telling them that I did it…Hahaha. ○Friday Morning○ “Did they find the guy?” “What do you guys think?” ○○○ When we finally got to the classroom we updated Siddhi on everything that happened. For the first part of the day we were all on edge. Who do you trust? We came to a conclusion…it HAD to be one of us. The camera was there the whole time we were gone, we had proof. But between the time of us arriving and us leaving the camera just…disappeared. That doesn’t JUST happen. But we wished so badly that it did. Everyone was a suspect, including Margaret, but the four of us insisted on believing each other. The police officer had told me he thought it was Nick, but he caught himself by saying “Oh but it could be anybody.” And we KNEW it couldn’t be Nick. ○Friday Afternoon○ Ryan’s dad was questioned by the police. And so was my mom. Despite all the interruptions, we still finished our video. We had gotten used to being followed by police cars everywhere we went. And the entire La Jolla police department knew our names. We all said goodbye and left campus. Left film camp. But we never solved the mystery. But voices still carry on the story. Some say it was Ryan and me, that we had worked together and ended up selling the camera and splitting the money before leaving the state. Some say Siddhi did it, and told her parents she won it at a “raffle”, which her sister had mentioned previously throughout the week. Some say Nick did it, and that he left with a camera and came back with just the empty bag. I wonder if one day we’ll really find out who it was. But I don’t know if I want to. The UCSD campus will probably carry that story for a few years, because the disappearance was so bizarre. But will they ever know what really happened?
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