When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Monday, January 17, 2005 Yesterday
I just got up and now I'm gonna tell you what happened yesterday.
I was woken up by my person. I got ready for church and ate a taco for breakfast. Then, we went to church and I left my friends Christmas present in the car. I told her I'd give it to her next week. After the service, which was very good, we went home and started working on one of my friend's birthday present, whose birthday is today. At 2 I went to Sara's (the girl who I was giving the present to) and I met her adorable dog, Doogie. I'm not sure what kind of dog he is but he was cute, tiny, long-haired, and extremely playful. After meeting Doogie, we went to a bowling place in Rogers. We thought it was non-smoking but it wasn't. YUCK! First, we got our bowling shoes and walked around and did a little sliding. Then, Sara and I went through the place trying to pick out a perfect bowling ball. The first time I lifted one I thought it was as heavy as I am! But, I just wasn't used to it. During our bowling ball search I pick up a heavy ball and dropped it on my toe. It hurt alot! I really needed that toe too!!! But after a few minutes it didn't hurt anymore. That was cool! Eventually Sara and I found a good bowling ball and went to bowl. Sara's dad bowled first. Then it was Jordan's turn. She's not the best bowler in the world but she's not the worst. Then it was Gooby's turn. Her name is Jordan but I call her Gooby. She bowls pretty good. Then it was my turn. Oh boy... I had never bowled before so I didn't know what to do. I hadn't gotten very close to the line when I let go and rolled the ball down the...whatever it's called that balls roll down. I did pretty good. Then it was Sara's turn. She did good, too. It went in that pattern Sara's Dad, Jordan, Gooby, me, and Sara. Once Jordan's fingers got stuck in her ball and she ended up throwing it. Once I went to bowl and I dropped the ball on my way to the line. It almost got away! But I caught it! I picked up the ball and tried again. Sara's dad once got a strike. I forgot who else did. When we were all done bowling we got in the car and went back to Sara's house. Jesse, Sara's older sister, and her college roomate, Cassy, were there waiting for us with pizza. We ate pizza and talked about bowling, what our names were going to be before we were born, and Doogie! About an hour after pizza we all went home. Gooby lives on my street so when Sara's mom went to drop us off it was such a convenience that we live on the same street. Gooby's house was first. I'll do some dialogue here.... Gooby, Jordan, Sara, and I got to the door. Gooby knocked a few times and waited. Her mom peeked through the door and said "What's the password?" Gooby told her it was Joey. She said "They wanna see Joey." "Nope, the password is the weasel walks at midnight." Her mom said before she ran to get Joey. "What's a Joey?" I asked. Nobody answered me. Then, this beautiful dog came in and sat in front of us. We went into the yard and Joey followed us. We had so much fun with him! We didn't care we were cold and shivering! We hugged Joey and stuff and he kept us warm. It was dark out, and we could only see him by the light of the garage. His eyes shone beautifully in the light. He has the most adorable eyes. We played with him and he loved it. We were there for about 10 minutes just running and playing with Joey. When we left to go get in the car Joey followed and Gooby had to get him and bring him in. We got in the car and went down the road. Jordan and Sara walked to my door with me. Sara got to meet Ryleigh and Toby. Toby, who usually does not like strangers, actually liked Sara. Ryleigh, of course, liked Sara. And Sara seemed to like them. I went into the house and said bye and they went into the car and drove away. Yesterday was awesome!!! Except dropping a bowling ball on my toe. But my toe is good now. Will post more soon!
link | posted by J at 7:38 AM |
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