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    Saturday, February 12, 2005

    We did some stuff today and now I'm telling you!

    I'm so happy!
    I'll start at the beginning of the story and you will understand why.

    I was checking out my cousin's xanga this morning when my mom called me and told me we were going to Chick-Fil-A. I got dressed and everything,and got in the car,and we left. We went to Chick-Fil-A where I ordered el pollo. (chicken!) Muy muy excelente! (As you can see, I'm learning Spanish right now. It's fun!) I also ate hash browns, a biscuit, and orange juice! We then went to Office Max and looked at chairs. My mom got a new office chair, and I looked around for an extension cord for my microphone, which I did not find. When we finished our search and buy there, we went to Wal*Mart. There, I looked for an extension cord and found one and discovered that mom had one a lot like it at home. At Wal*Mart we got some food and left. We went home and Mom's new chair was set up and I got her other one, which is really cool! My old one was really squeaky and stuff, so I was glad to get rid of it.
    So, that's why I'm so happy!

    link | posted by J at 1:45 PM |


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