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    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    Strange Names: What Would You Say?

    There are some cities with such weird names! Have you ever noticed? Everyone is used to Springfield and Oak Grove and stuff like that. But some are strangely unique!

    One is particular is a place called Flippin, Arkansas. I am not joking! If you happen to live there, I hope I am not offending you! I think it would be cool to live there so I could say, “Yeah, I live in Flippin, Arkansas!”
    When you think about it, there are some funny things you can say if you live there.
    These are some I thought of.

  • You order an item off a 1-800 number: “Is your address still in Flippin Arkansas?
  • “I go to the Flippin High School down the road.”
  • “Everyone loves the Flippin Bank”.
  • “Did you read the Flippin Newspaper this morning?”

    Those are just a few that you can’t help but wonder... Another town with a strange name is Moose Jaw, Canada. That’s just weird.
  • “Hey, I came here from Moose Jaw, where you from?”
  • “I was looking for a house in east Moose Jaw!”

    I’ve also heard about a Go Home in Ontario, Canada.
  • You walk in for a job interview. “Well, I was born in Go Home.”
  • Wow, wouldn’t it be weird being homeschooled in Go Home?

    I was telling Mr. Ken about this blog post, and he told me about Buck Snort, Tennessee! Can you believe that?
  • “And the contest winner is...Jane Doe! From Buck Snort!”
  • “The weather is bringing us cloudy skies in Buck Snort!”

    I wonder if these names have a foreign origin or if they mean something to the person who named them. Everyone knows of the city Quebec, it was in your history book when you were kid! It’s not always specified as a city given a French name that when put into English is “where the river narrows”. It sounds so calming and beautiful when you think of it like that. Is there beauty to Moose Jaw? It must have had some sort of background. Like Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Baton means baton or stick and rouge means red. When the French came to Louisiana, the Indians offered them a red stick as a sign of peace. Is it the same for Moose Jaw and Buck Snort? And what about Go Home? Is there a logical explanation for that or is it just something off the top of someone’s head? I find this stuff very interesting. With Flippin, well use your own imagination. That’s just too many possibilities. When you really think about it, most of these names were actually thought out due to creativity and logic. And hey, to each his own!

    Well, these are my thoughts. I thought it would be cool to do something different like that. Hope you enjoyed it!
    Know any strange names of your own?
    Comment me and let me know!

  • link | posted by J at 4:19 PM |


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