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    Sunday, June 04, 2006

    Let's Discuss...Paxton!

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    Paxton is awesome! We have known each other since last year. At first, I must admit, she scared me. All I knew about her was that she was smart and really really really really really good at gymnastics. During the summer, we saw each other at a birthday party and found out we were in the same homeroom. We exchanged e-mail and stuff and communicated over the summer. Now, we're really close. We've gone from swimming in a pool to screaming on roller coasters. We talk alot and we're both very strange. We share many interests. The biggest difference between us I think, is that she is crazy for mac 'n cheese, unlike me. It doesn't taste very good to me. Lol! Actually, she's a lot stronger and "sportier" than me, but that's ok. We still get along great.
    Paxton's personality is much like mine. We are bother happy exciting people with a hyper fun personality. She usually has a fresh attitude, like me! She is also very smart and hard working in school. She loves school, like me! She's a great student, but she doesn't give herself much credit. Too modest...Lol! That sounds like me! We get along well and have some of the same friends. We hang out alot, but not as much as we'd like to. We hope to do stuff this summer. I think that will be great!

    link | posted by J at 1:20 PM |


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