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    Monday, May 22, 2006

    Shopping with Olivia

    Yeah you know the drill:

    Olivia called me on Friday night and asked me a question. She asked if I wanted to go shopping with her on Saturday. I agreed and the next day, we went.
    Olivia and I walked into the mall talking, of course. We first went into Romancing the Stone. I like that store, it's cool. We looked at some of the jewelry and stuff. Of course, we looked at the hermit crabs and played with them. Olivia was naming them and it was really funny! She really like the itty-bitty ones. Hmm....Wonder why... LOL! Anyways, we continued our trek throughout the mall. The next store we went to was Aeropostale, I think. We looked at their expensive but cute clothing and shoes. We talked and stuff and later left to go to another store... It was either Charlotte Russe or Wet Seal, I'm not sure. In Wet Seal, Olivia tried on a ton of shoes! And she looked great in all of them! LOL! Next, we went to Gloria Jeans, YUM! Olivia hadn't gotten anything there before. I know, shocking! I got a Coco Loco Mocha Chiller, (say that 10 times fast), and so did she. But she had trouble saying it! LOL! (Me too...) I get that every time. On our way to Claire's, we saw one of Liv's friends. Her name was Sammi. She tagged along for a while and hung out at Claire's with us. Eventually she left and Olivia and I kept walking around. We later went to the car and rode off. Hanging out with her was lots of fun!

    link | posted by J at 8:26 PM |


    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 8:34 PM, August 06, 2006~  

    Loved it!

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 8:35 PM, August 06, 2006~  

    By the way, this is Livi

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