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    Sunday, December 31, 2006

    The Christmas Update

    Sorry I haven’t updated, Here is the Scoop!

    Christmas Day
    Bailey and I woke up early, of course and went downstairs. We waited for Grandma and when she finally got here we started opening presents. I got socks! Lots of socks! And a multicolor aroma-therapeutic air freshener thing. I got other cool stuff too. Bailey got a cool Fuzzy color thing that wooden and when you color all the pieces it becomes and real object that stands up. Hers resembles a flower pot, it’s really cool. But what Mom got is super cool.

    Mom’s 2nd Present
    “You have to open this one now.” Dad told mom.
    The big box sat on the table and only Dad knew what it was. Mom lifted the side of the box that was facing me but she didn’t look. I was the first to see it. The side lifted up and I saw “Wii”. I knew what it was. I drew in a huge breath and Mom opened the rest of the present. It was so exciting! We have the Wii! The Wii! The Wii that came out on November 19th. The Wii that we were not going to get until after Christmas. The Wii that is now downstairs in my living room with 2 Wii remotes and 2 Nunchucks. The Wii that we all love. That Wii.

    The Games
    We have, of course, Wii Sports which is so cool. My character is named Jbirdii (yes I know the ii as in wii thing at the end is cheesy but I like it!). My person has wavy light brown hair, dark eyebrows. Yes my dyed hair is even in animations. I have glasses and a beauty mark. LOL! We also have...Drumroll please.
    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! Oh yeah! It’s so similar to Ocarina of Time it’s not funny. It’s an awesome game. They made Epona really beautiful in this one.

    Around the time between 10 and 12 everyone came. Grandpa Ted and his girlfriend who we call Grandma Wanda. Aunt Cindy and Uncle Dane. Their son Blane and their daughter Brandi who’s son is Keaton. His sister Lexi and their Dad, Adam. Along with Dad, Mom, Bailey and I as well as Grandma who had arrived earlier that morning.

    The Food
    The food...one of the best parts of Christmas beside the celebration of our Savior’s birth. There was turkey and ham. Dad made his Oreo bon bons and Grandma Wanda brought broccoli cheese dip. This is funny. There are pickles, Tabasco pickles, not spicy but really good, and then there’s Habanero pickles. The spiciest things I’ve ever had. They are so good. Blane, Keaton, and I were sitting in the living room eating. Blane ate a Habanero pickle and almost started sweating. He found it quite tasteful and he enjoyed it. So do I but too many is painful. Keaton didn’t want one because he’s not a big spicy eater. Finally, Blane convinced him to and my brilliant cousin Keaton took a large one and stuck it in his mouth whole and ate it. The spice overwhelmed him and he kept breathing, still without losing his manly strength and courage he did not show pain but for the next 15 minutes he drank more water and ate more rolls than I’ve ever seen.

    More Presents
    We opened more presents and messed with each others. Blane and Keaton enjoyed my books. I had gotten Ripleys 3, and Optical Illusions book, and book called the Weird 100, (yes its for people like me who read about Loch ness Monster and Big Foot) and a Mythbusters book. It was really fun.

    Christmas was great. We all got together and celebrated and got to see each other. We ate food, talked, and had fun. It’s a great time of year. What did you do with your family? Leave a comment!

    link | posted by J at 9:53 PM |


    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 8:18 PM, January 01, 2007~  

    Now remember, it is MY Wii, so WE didn't get a Wii--I got a Wii. But I am a fun Mom and I share with good little girls so you better do your chores....

    Luv ya

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 7:09 PM, January 05, 2007~  

    You have a Wii?????

    No Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :P lol

    I didn't get anything!

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