When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
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Saturday, February 23, 2008 5 Facts (You didn't know!)
Ok, so the newest VLog game is 5 Facts. I don’t have a vlog. (Hm..Maybe I should get one…) But for the time being, I don’t so I am playing the game on a regular blog. Five Facts you don’t know about me: ◘Fact ONE: I tend to keep strange items for long periods of time. I have a spoon I got from Sonic when I was like 6, and it changes colors when the temperature changes. Weird, yah! ◘Fact TWO: I went to a crazy psychopath private school for 7 years straight. It was this crazy border-line Amish freak of nature school that practically lived to brainwash kids. *twitch* ◘Fact THREE: Every year, without really realizing it, I adapt to a research of something totally random and repeatedly find information on it just for fun. 4th grade: The 1920s 5th grade: Loch Ness Monster 6th grade: Amphetamines 7th grade: Medical Examiners And so on and so on. ◘Fact FOUR: I have strange ways of keeping my change. When I was younger I was afraid that if I put all of my change in one spot and I forgot where that was, then I’d lose all my money at once. So for years, I would scatter my change in totally various places around my room. In picture frames, jewelry boxes, clocks, etc. And one day my dad was upstairs and opened some random thing and was like “Hey, here’s 5 dollars.” And he looked somewhere else and found another three, and then 6, and 2, and whatever. So he was like “J, you have money EVERYWHERE.” And since then I’ve kept it in 3 specific places. I won’t tell you where, but none of them are a piggy bank and one of them has to do with a water bottle… ◘Fact FIVE: I have a very extensive collection of business cards. When I was younger, I realized that I didn’t “collect” anything, but I was always swiping business cards everywhere I went. So I got a business card holder and 6 years later VOILA! I have a ton of business cards and I never have to use a phone book! ••• Well, that’s all for today. Bye!
link | posted by J at 8:57 PM |
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