When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
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Saturday, February 09, 2008 Daughters of the American Revolution
I was entered in a regional writing contest for the DAR, to write an espionage of a spy during the American Revolution. I recently found out that I placed 2nd amongst my peers in my school and the schools around me. Today was the assembly where I recieved my award. I don't know if it was all that great, but here it is. 999 words exactly. (1,000 was the limit.)
Through the Eyes of a Patriot Sweat is dripping down my face, hot and muddy sweat it is. Tears have been shed, as well as blood. But that is over now, no more I say. I suppose you want to know more about such a circumstance. You don’t, I warn you. For you shan’t accept this information as a reality nor a truth in itself whatsoever. This is a dangerous life, but it determines our future. I must use my abilities to spy and report countless dangers and threats, for it is my duty. I am a crucial addition to our mission, but I am only one person. Perhaps I should go further into detail. For my mission I must have a code name. It is quite unique, in fact I have never heard such a name before it was granted to me. My men call me Snake, for I must have agility and speed. What I do is crucial for our war. We are fighting for a better world, a better humanity. They call this the American Revolution. I call it sacrifice. Great Britain has been controlling us for quite some time now and I refuse to further endure such hardship. I dream of one day having independence in this land, our land. We are treated as nothing here, and I hate it. I spit on the ground the mind controlling British tread. They sicken me, and our country does not deserve that. As I said, I am only one person. I have a group of men who help me search and find information for our leaders. We call ourselves the Eyes of Destiny, for we see a better future and we are the ones to establish that. There are five of us, but we have connection to other defenders like ourselves. Without each other, there would be more deaths and hardships to such extents of terror our own eyes can not yet imagine. This is why we are all needed. I became a spy to help my country, to establish justice. I also did it in the right of republicanism. We shall have independence in ourselves, and an organization of government at that. It is also because I watched warriors fall. I saw the screams, not heard but saw them, in the eyes of those in terror. I watched men fall apart emotionally because of this trauma, this stress, this horror. I watched men be murdered, and I saw the color drain from their face. That is not who we are to become, and I had to make sure of it. Holding the blood of someone else in the palms of your hand is the worst nightmare of them all. If you could save lives by risking yours, wouldn’t you? That’s what I do. I saved a life once. I remember it as clear as day, though I see little of that now. I and another of the Eyes of Destiny went to spy on the loyalists. We hid behind their grounds and watched. Carefully we watched. I didn’t blink for hours. I didn’t drop one of my senses. I didn’t move. I barely breathed. A loyalist turned around towards us, though he couldn’t see us. I saw fear in his eyes, a cold reflection of vulnerability. For a second I almost pitied him, just a bit. I didn’t though; I held my ground and showed no emotion. My partner finally lost it, he ran down behind him. Out of sight but still in hearing distance he listened. But he was too close, and he leaned forward just enough to make a leaf release noise and fall. The loyalist instantly turned around and started to shoot aimlessly. My partner dove into a ditch, but by then more loyalists were on his tail. I had to do something, I threw a rock in an opposite direction to shake some leaves and snap a twig. Half ran the other way, but some still looked for the culprit at the scene. I ran fast but quietly behind them. I had to be bait. I rolled their wagon down the hill, just a couple pushes was all it took. It did, and the remaining loyalists followed trying to catch their food. When I found my friend, he had been shot. When I got to him, all bloody, I felt his pain. I bandaged him up a bit before carrying him to our camp. He lived, painfully but successfully. Similar events happened after that. But I continued to find information from the Brits. I was often able to steal letters to take back. I could’ve saved a whole army, but I wouldn’t know. On one day, after I had been making maps and routes for my men to follow I went out myself. I told no one, left no trail behind. I went to one of their spy refuges, and there I found what I shall never forget. Inside, there was a man tied to the wall, his face in a twisted fear. They were questioning one of our men. I had to do something, but what? I ran around to another side of their refuge and started a fire, which caught on the tent. A minute later I heard a scream and the loyalists ran out leaving the victim behind. I knew I had little time so I ran in quickly and freed him. But we were caught in the fire, our only escape was a small hole where the fire had not yet reached. We crawled out, right onto enemy territory. They knew I was a spy, and they captured me. They beat me, they questioned me, and eventually decided to kill me. But first they locked me up. I’ve been locked up, writing this to whomever is willing to read. I only fear that my destiny has failed. But what am I to know? I’m just a spy in the American Revolution, and I have saved lives. I suppose that mine is but a sacrifice. Well, that's the essay. I was entered in 3 contests for the DAR, VFW, and another that I can't remember...But I happened to place 1st at state in the one that I can't remember. The assembly for that award is in March and I will recieve a savings bond, medal, and some other things I don't yet know about. I will let you know when the time comes and maybe post it here. Thanks guys!
link | posted by J at 4:48 PM |
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