When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Sunday, February 14, 2010 Happy SAD! :D I will always refer to February 14th as SAD. I get that like...I'm not quote "single". But. It's still Singles Awareness Day to me. ^_^ We all know that "Valentines Day" is some kind of economical scam, created for the candy industry. They used a cover up though. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a day of worship for the god Juno, who I refer to as Hera (the Greek goddess of marriage; wife of Zeus). Obviously, some random flower company picked that up and ran with it and voila! A "holiday" completely devoted to what our disastrous race calls "love". It's genius. :D Genius I tell you. So Happy Singles Awareness Day Everyone!!!
Now. Valentines Day, to me is not a holiday. SAD is though. But I don't celebrate it...in fact...I don't celebrate many holidays. Halloweens fun for the parties, but the whole Celtic death/life thing kinda throws me off. New Years would be a lot better if I was 21--but it's cool nonetheless. And "Easter" (Pesach, as in the anniversary of passover) is pretty cool when it's celebrated right, as in minus all the pagan root and tradition. Same with Christmas. But I'm not big on presents, so Christmas is no big deal. Anniversaries make sense to me, birthdays make sense. Black History Month, not so much. And Mothers Day? Come on. Mardi Gras can BMA and 420 started in California (shocker), so if you think it's an actual holiday--well that's indicative that you celebrate it :). I used to love 4th of July, that makes sense to me. And Veterans Day--definitely makes sense. I love honoring my country :). I really don't even know what Labor Day is and I imagine I'd think it's useless if I did. Not sure why kids get out of school for Milk Day (Martin Luther King Jr Celebration) and it'd make a whole lot more sense if they got us out the day after Super Bowl. Because. Well. We all know that the Super Bowl is in fact a holiday :).
There's my two cents. Laterr. <3
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