When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Sunday, June 19, 2005 I'm Liking Summer
So far, my summer has been pretty satisfying. I really didn't want to leave school but it's kinda fun. I'm not about to fall asleep during the day, either. I can go to bed early and get up late. I've had some people over during the week, instead of only on weekends because of school. I'm taking gymnastics classes for the summer. I get to hang out with Ryleigh more, and of course Toby, Birkleigh, and Spenser.
The only thing I dislike about summer is the fact that I have to do chores now that I'm home. I'm not really a shop freak so I don't go to the mall as often as you think I would. Instead I can drop by a local garage sale and get something that I like at a low cost. By the way, on Friday Dad and I went garagesaling (my new word) and found some cool stuff. We got one of those spinny wind chimes that looks like it's spinning up and up or down and down. The one we got is purple. I got a little collectable Tigger for 1$. I like Winnie the Pooh! I don't care how old you are you're never to old for Winnie the Pooh! I think it should have been cheaper because a tiny part of his ear was chipped off. That just goes to show you, you should watch out with breakable items! Anyways, besides garage sales Bailey's taking a summer reading program at the library. So for a couple hours every morning Bailey gets to have fun reading while I veg out. Now that it's summer, I also have time to type in my blog, if anything interesting happens. For my close friends and relatives who read my blog often, Thank you very much! I really do appreciate it! Well, I'll be getting off. Will post more soon.
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