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    Friday, June 03, 2005

    This one can be about...Hannah

    Continuing friend posts. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see What I Plan to Post, May 27th.

    Hannah is a cool person. I've known her a long time because she goes to my church. We sit by each other during services. We don't go to school together, but we have messenger and phone numbers. And of course we have e-mail. At church, we can talk before and after service.
    Hannah and I do really fun stuff together. We run across the gym, we help out at church, we play games on the computer, and lots of other stuff. Running across the gym seems pretty normal, but its fun watching Hannah speed past you and run back to get you. When we help out at church we do stuff together. We sing in front of the people, we help Mike with examples, and other stuff like that. Mike's a really cool guy that helps out like a counselor or something. Katy is the same age as his daughter. Anyways, on messenger we play games on the computer, especially minesweeper, and chat at the same time. We're interested in a lot of the same kind of stuff. We both like to read and shop and stuff. We are also very weird and crazy when we get together. And we know what its like to have a little, annoying sister. Bailey and Amber are about the same age, so we feel each other's pain. haha. So Hannah is a ton of fun.
    If I were to describe Hannah in one word....I'd have to think about it. There are a lot of great things about Hannah. One thing I could say about her is she is "entertaining".

    link | posted by J at 3:48 PM |


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