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Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ShOpPiNg with Leta, Jova, and Beya
Yesterday we went shopping with my friend, Leta. I have known Leta since I was a wittle bitty baby. We were in school together for 7 years and we are still friends. She and her sisters, Beya and Jova are good friends of mine too. Yesterday we all met up at the mall and greeted each other after a long time of being many many miles away. We were going to go to Claire’s, it was our top priority because Leta had to get something for Ashley. Well, we passed Claire’s on accident and didn’t turn back and found ourselves smelling perfumes in Dillard’s. We were there for a long time and then it was 11:00 already so we headed back to the food court. We decided we didn’t want to eat in the food court so we went to a Chinese restaurant. I got shrimp fried rice, Leta got a Triple Delight and I ate her broccoli, Jova got something with bamboo and water chestnuts, and Bailey and Beya got something with beef. Then we decided to go back to the mall so we did so. We had to go to Claire’s, we had to! We passed Claire’s and went into Charlotte Russe for half an hour. I was making fun of plastic shoes while Leta took forever to find a top. Then we decided we would go to Dillard’s because someone had to go to the bathroom. Then we passed Wet Seal and Leta and I insisted on going in. I looked at jewelry and Leta looked at tops. Then we went to Dillard’s, still no Claire’s. During this point and time somewhere in there I got many calls from Lisa (ahem...) bugging me just to say hi. It was actually pretty funny. Well, we all went into Bath and Body Works because I love that store and Bailey got some kids perfume and Leta got this awesome hazelnut candle. I loved it! Well, after Dillard’s we went to Abercrombie and Mom called my cell. Chenille, being a puppy, can’t be left home for long so we had to go home. My mother, being so nice, let us get snacks first! Yay! Bailey and Beya got Dippin Dots, Leta, Beya, and I got cookies! Not just any cookies, two MnM cookies with cream in the middle. Yum! Jova went to Frullati and got a smoothie. We had to go home and we remembered something. Claire’s! So went to Claire’s and found something for Ashley. Leta hadn’t bought me a Christmas present yet so she had me pick out some earrings. I got these long earrings about 3/3.5 inches long with green stars at the bottom. I love them! Well, we had forgotten my favorite store. The “In Honor of Leta and Jordan” store, as it should be called. But no, they had to call it something stupid like “Romancing the Stone”! I love that place! No matter what it’s called. After that we left and came here.
Once we got here we all played Bailey’s DDR. Then we played the Wii. I beat Jova, Leta, and Beya on Tennis. Leta and I almost killed ourselves trying to beat each other in boxing. Beya, the real life softball champion, couldn’t even get a single in baseball. But it was fun. We all talked and played and had fun. It was really cool getting to see them, I hope I can again soon.
link | posted by J at 8:06 AM |
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