Remember When...
I was talking to my friend Olivia today and we were remembering all these crazy things from like 2 or 3 years ago. Insane, right? Except it was hilarious!
So I thought I’d do a “remember when” game post, and list a ton of funny stuff I remember, that you readers will find interesting too. So here’s the game, I list 5 “Remember When”s, and then if you have a blog or myspace or whatever, you do it to. Sound good enough?
1. Remember when…
Me and Olivia put make-up all over our face like crazy for our Ebay video? And we thought that fingernail polish would make our faces look all the more better? So when we realized that fingernail polish shouldn’t be applied to skin, and that was the source of the burning in our face, we started freaking out and rubbing acetone all over? That was great!
2. Remember when…
Me and Sara would come in at “recess” in 5th grade and play card games with like 5 other kids in the class room? On our way there, we’d spin in the halls and do kuh-razy things just for fun, remember? That was AHmazing!!
3. Remember when…
Me and Jocelyn thought that my keyboard was haunted in 6th grade? Just because it would play itself when we left the room? Remember the night we wouldn’t go to sleep because it scared us? And remember when we figured out why it did that, and we laughed our heads off? That was sooo funny!!
4. Remember when…
Me, Leta, and Jova went down to the woods far from my house? And when we walked past a falling tree that Jova “accidentally” pushed MORE? And how it almost smushed me and Leta, but we couldn’t stop laughing? Because it was that cool!
5. Remember when…
Us four anonymous girls ruled the 4th grade? When we started a “singing group” and sang every day at recess on the big lava slide? And when we had a fan club? And we were always together, and nothing could tear us apart? And we laughed and hung out on the blue monkey bars every day, and talked about everything? Because we were best friends…
The past is great, I’m gonna make the future just as memorable!!!
Will post more soon!