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    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Ceramic Dogs

    The other day I took a walk around the cul-de-sac and ran a bit along my street. Well, basic stuff, totally normal. I walked past a house and it their front yard was a dog. I watched it for a while and realized that it didn’t so much as look at me. It didn’t move, it didn’t budge. And strangely I had never seen it before. I began to wonder if maybe it wasn’t real, but it has such realistic features there is no way that it could not be alive. Right? So after a while I came to the conclusion that okay, it’s a ceramic dog. But seriously? A ceramic dog that is so real looking it’s creepy in your front yard 24/7? You’re kidding me…Well obviously not. As I thought about it, if I passed a dog that looked that real in a store, would I stop and buy it? Why would I? What purpose would that bring to me?It’s slightly creepy and quite misleading.

    Well maybe people would mistake it as real and believe that it was a guard dog. Then maybe they would be less likely to attempt to break in to your house. Perhaps if runaway cats walked by and saw it they would be too scared to go further and they’d run back to their homes, saving the owner any time and worry said cat’s temporary disappearance would have cost them.
    Hmm…I’m yet to be convinced.

    Um, it’s creepy. Every time I’d pull into my driveway I would think some stray dog was on my porch.
    People would probably think I abused the “dog” if I left it outside overnight.
    And if I brought it in to avoid suspicion…It’d be weird.
    If I had a real dog inside the house he would probably get quite suspicious…

    So what are your opinions on ceramic dogs? Totally weird or well-behaved monuments?
    Let me know people!

    link | posted by J at 7:07 PM |


    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 8:07 PM, March 27, 2008~  

    Well I think a ceramic dog is kind of sad. However, I really would only have a problem if the owners brought it in every night and it slept with them.

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