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    Saturday, September 17, 2005

    Katy, Gooby, and Mirand,A Big Owie, and Washing Machines and Dryers

    Katy, Gooby, and Miranda
    Yesterday I went outside with Katy. Kye had gone to the doctore earlier and wasn't feeling good so he took a nap. Katy and I had everything to oursleves. We talked while we just sat around. It was very quiet and peaceful and then Bailey came out. But she behaved and did very good while Katy and I talked. She sat there swinging and listening. I heard Mom call me after a few minutes of Bailey being out, so I went up front to see what was up. Gooby and Miranda came to see me! I brought Katy up and I introduced them all and we talked. Gooby and Miranda showed us their bike tricks, which were really cool. They could ride with no hands and stuff. Eventually, Katy had to go in to get her stuff ready because she was going to a friend's birthday party. Gooby, Miranda, Bailey, and I went into the back yard and played on the trampoline until Dad got home with dinner.

    A Big Owie
    I do back-handsprings on the trampoline all the time. They're really fun, and sometimes I do them repeatedly down the trampoline, over and over and over until I get to the end. Well, today I was doing backhandsprings on the trampoline. I was going great until I hit a weird angle and accidently did a back flip. That's not the worst part, though. The big owie was that I landed on my knees strangely and popped the cartilage.

    Washing Machine and a Dryer
    We got a new washing machine today. And a dryer. They're both taller than me! And they're really cool because you can watch them wash! There is a little window on the front. And they're a lot easier to work with.

    link | posted by J at 1:23 PM |


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