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    Tuesday, June 13, 2006


    Strange Story
    I always have a glass of water with me. I really like my Tobasco glass because it's easy to carry around and stuff. Around 7 or 8 the other night, I decided to refill my cup. I put it in the place outside the freezer where water and ice comes out. I pressed the button and ice shot down into my glass. I stand there for a few seconds with only the noise of the machine. Bam! Ice starts flying out, shooting across the floor. How? Ow! What's that? One color stands out from the white of the glass, freezer, and ice. Red. The top of my hand was bleeding just a little. How? Glass was shooting onto the floor. I looked at my glass. There was a large chunk of it missing and ice was coming out through there. I stopped the ice and cleaned up my hand and the floor. It was kind of odd, I think. Somehow the ice broke my glass. My favorite one too!

    Coming Up!
    Tonight I have a meeting with my church. I will be helping out at VBS as a runner and possibly a baby-sitter person. LOL! I'll tell you about the meeting and VBS when the time comes. Also, I've been taking computer lessons with Rusty down the street. I might have one today, I'm not sure. Art class is next week, as well as VBS. Paint in the mornin', Bible in the evenin'. I'll keep you guys updated if anything else pops up.
    Will post more soon!

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