When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Monday, June 18, 2007 Nothing New, This is only a post.
I take this time to share my opinions on previous post subjects and other situations that have occured..
Post: Summer is HERE!!! (link: click here) I am halfway through my first session of art class. Today I signed up for a class called Clock Works where design (YAY!) and building (BOOM BOOM! WOOHOO! jk) are used to create...Clocks! Shocker, I know. Post: Not Your Every Day Decision (link: click here) As you can tell this is a frustrating matter. I have had people ask if certain people (ones that a post like this would bother, I will not give names) read the post. To clear things up, I don't know and I don't care. It's my blog, my opinions. It's not a crime to talk about my cousins latest stupidity stunt. He's a great guy and I never said he wasn't! ~ Also, you might like to know (to my dismay) he is still engaged. Nope, hasn't called it off yet. I also met his finacee (finally!) and I can't stand her. It's not that I'm close minded or frustrated by her, it's that I didn't like her. She didn't say a word to me when I talked to her and she's just not very nice! Just thought you might like to know. Post: Wow...The End (link: click here) I do miss my friends already very much. In fact, I have had hardly any contact with them. (Ahem...) I am glad it's summer but I miss school. I keep thinking "O! When see Jane Doe at school on Monday I'll tell them--" but that's not gonna happen. It's frustrating, sad, but yet... I'M GLAD IT'S SUMMER! Update: Computer News! Okay, remember how my computer would always mess up and I had to suffer for it? And my gmail and youtube accounts were not accessible through my computer? And how I know how to clean my computer and fix everything because I am (sigh) the computer whiz but couldn't? No more! No more I say! I have a new CPU with a clean, wiped, empty harddrive! Of course I transferred over many files and downloaded my old programs. But this one is cleaner, newer, and... I got a flat screen monitor with it!
link | posted by J at 4:12 PM |
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