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Friday, June 01, 2007 Wow...The End
School is a huge part of my life. Even though it’s hard, I couldn’t ask for better teachers, better friends, or a better school. This past year has been so perfect! As I mature, I get closer to my friends and learn more respect for my school. I am so glad I was able to experience so much learning and entertainment in 2007.
Today was the last day of school. We had no work, no responsibility. We were able to enjoy this last year before going on to a new level of education. I am ready, but it’s hard to see my friends leave or just not see them for three months. Are you ready for summer? In this year, I’ve made great friends. I’ve gotten closer to old ones and befriended new ones. Each one of my acquaintances placed a special part of my heart and I will never forget any of them, no matter what happens. I made wise choices in choosing friends and I am proud of myself as well as them. I learned from my friends and they learned from me. Because of them, I believe I have improved myself tremendously. My teachers were absolutely amazing. I learned about character from each of my teachers. Every one of my subjects was taught in a way I could understand and I am thankful for that. I hope that I am granted with this gift for the years to come. In my future, I hope to see my friends more. Those that are leaving I hope not to lose touch and those that are staying I hope not to lose. As for my teachers, I will never forget them or what they gave me. I hope to visit them and stay up to date with their conditions. Old teachers and friends still have a place in my heart from long ago and I am so glad. I hope the many opportunities I was given this year are under the same circumstances. Thank you guys so much! I will never lose you! Please don’t forget me and stay in touch!I love you, thanks for sticking with me. ~J
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