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    Thursday, May 17, 2007


    A good friend of mine and I were talking today. She said,
    "What's up?"
    and I said
    "The sky."
    and she said
    "No, the ceiling."
    and I pointed out that in Antarctica up was down. She pondered this for a while and concluded with a nod of the head. As we continued our conversation we thought deeply about how up is down in Antarctica but they don't realize it. The blood doesn't rush to their head in Antarctica because of gravity pulling them down which is up on the globe but down when standing in Antarctica, which is at the bottom of the Earth. Can upside down and right side up be the same thing at the same time?
    We kept talking and she pointed out that we are not upside down or right side up.
    "We're...sideways!" was her conclusion.
    Which is true and yet up is still up and not out or sideways. She then said that it was west. This couldn't exactly be true because the depth of space probably does not have the same latitude. If it did then there would be an east west and a west west. Unless it wasn't north, south, east, or west, it was actually...

    Can you consider that logic? I find it more amusing than scientific.

    It actually, in a slightly comical sense, is a metaphor for life. It's west to some, up to most, sideways to others. Not everything is how it seems, and not everything you are told or what you consider to be true is reality. Sometimes you just have to look outside of the box...
    Maybe even...
    Looking sideways?

    J ♥

    link | posted by J at 7:21 PM |


    Blogger Emily commented at 6:15 PM, May 24, 2007~  

    hey ya j ya need ta look at my blog! and who were you talkin to? and ya need ta write more! im getting board!

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 11:35 AM, May 28, 2007~  

    Haha.. wow... my head is spinning

    ... and this plane just flew right over our house

    Blogger Unknown commented at 1:12 AM, June 05, 2007~  

    I liked this blog entry very much. Abstract thought is a very good thing.

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