When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!!

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    Monday, May 14, 2007

    An Apology, an Update, and a Girl with a Plan

    You missed me! I know you did!
    Ok, first of all I am so sorry! I completely abandoned my readers and I am sorry for that. I have reasons (ahem, excuses) and I know some of you are shaking your head in disappointment but they are very, umm...reasonable...???
    My computer is really (nice word, please?) retarded. The Internet was painfully messed up and I could not log on to gmail or blogger. I was unable to use the Internet for an extended period of time also.

    An Update
    ~First of all-
    As you probably know, if you read yesterday's post, our cat Spenser has been put down due to terrible circumstances. Read the post for more information and the vets sympathy.
    I am a trumpet player and I love it so much it really has a huge place in my heart, and I went to a Solo and Ensemble to play a Solo. The score of 1 was the best and the score of 5 was the worst. 1 and 2 got medals. I played a solo entitled Dance Song and got a 1! Now I have a blue medal hanging on my wall.
    ~O yes, there is more-
    I am chewing gum at this moment. Oh yes, I am that COOL! Believe it.

    A Girl with a Plan
    That's me! No, I'm definitely not self absorbed!
    I plan to update much much more with reasonable posts (shorten them? maybe...) and I hope to give you guys reason to check my blog every day.
    Summer is coming (tear) and I will miss my friends terribly but I will update more. Also, I'll be going to band camp for 4 days and I'll write down a blog entry on a piece of paper every day and post it when I get back. But that is much later.
    More pics on da picture blog! O yeah, I've made a commitment and I will stick to it. Sorry I've completely ignored it. If you happened to forgot it, it is www.jbirdpics.blogspot.com!!!
    Luv you guys!

    By the way, the french fries at school are muchas better!!!


    link | posted by J at 5:32 PM |


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