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    Monday, June 27, 2005


    Bailey, Mom, and I were eating at Popeye's Chicken for lunch today. We were talking about Leta and how I haven't seen her in a while. We were on our way to the mall for mom's nail appointment, so I said it would be funny if we saw them there. We got to the mall and Mom went to ProfessioNail while me and Bailey went into my favorite store in the mall, Claire's. We looked around at the earrings and made our way up to the purses. Then I saw the back Mrs. Angie's head. I had to look closer to be sure it was her, and she turned her head around. Then I saw Marbeya behind her. I walked over there and said hi to them. Leta came out and we all hugged and talked. I haven't seen Leta since my birthday last year, so it was really cool. It was weird though, because I had been talking about it earlier. Hmmm....Maybe Susan Lucci will meet me at the mall or something, there's a better chance of that if I say it which I just did...But my "magic" may not be that powerful!
    Will post more soon.

    link | posted by J at 2:52 PM |


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