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Saturday, January 13, 2007 Medical Issues
Well, the rain is starting to come down hard. 90% precipitation is expected for the next few days. Guess what, they’re expecting ice...Lots of ice.
Well, sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’ve just been busy. Plus nothing truly exciting has happened to me. Since school started that’s all that has really happened. There have been some medical problems I have witnessed though. Today my Grandpa was taken to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing. This is the same Grandpa who is almost 80 years old and is currently fighting his third round of cancer. They took some blood and he’ll be out of the hospital soon. His white blood cell count was low due to his chemotherapy. It’s really not too serious. He’s actually doing very well and he has been very healthy during chemo. His doctors told him he would become very sick on certain nights and he did not experience that at all. That’s very good. My Mom’s friend, Mrs. Patti, who lives in a different state and has known my mom for 27 years, is also having some problems. She went to the doctor and they thought that she had breast cancer. It was a very serious issue and then they found out that it wasn’t cancer at all. They are still not sure what it is. They are running tests, so please pray for her! Yet another issue I have seen actually takes place at my school. A boy from my gym class named Skylar went to the doctor before Christmas and was told that he had a tumor in his hip. I heard this from coach who asked us all to pray for him. Skylar returned a few days later and I stopped him in the hall to clarify what I knew. After certain tests they found that it was not a tumor, something very different. He had been hit in his side, so his brain thought that his bone was broken so it tried to heal it. Because that was not the case, a new bone began to form onto his hip bone. Next week he is going in for a CT scan and soon he will have to have surgery on it that will leave him in pain many days following. Please pray for him also. Well, as you can see these people aren’t the happiest campers. Please pray for them, I am. Thank you!
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