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    Monday, January 15, 2007

    Yet Another Medical Issue

    This time our medical mishap is on my sister, Bailey. Yesterday while looking in the mirror she poked her eye. Of course you're thinking it's no big deal. It caused her so much pain that she could barely open her other eye. She took a nap for 3 hours and woke up still in excrutiating pain. She later suffered so much that the pain caused her to throw up. She went to bed early and when she woke up this morning she could not see at all through that eye because of the pain. Mom had read that in this case if the problem was not solved over a 12 hour period she was to take Bailey to the doctor. She took Bailey at 9:30 because the appointment was at 10. I've been here alone and I just recieved a call. Bailey can not go to school or participate in any activities involving that eye. The doctor studied her eye and what happened was she scractched her pupil. When I was five I got a papercut on my eye, scratching my cornea. Bailey's is far worse. Her cornea and pupil are causing her very much pain. Please pray for her also.
    Thank you!

    link | posted by J at 10:34 AM |


    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 11:28 PM, January 15, 2007~  

    Hi! It's Emily. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I decided to check out ur blog since it's been a year or so since i've last looked at it. I will pray for your sister. It sounds horrible. I'll also pray for the people in the post before this. I hope everybody gets better. Ok, well I guess that's all. Bye!!

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 6:43 PM, January 16, 2007~  

    Oh my gosh thats sounds real bad I will deffinatly pray for when do you think she will be able to see out of her eye?Well email and you can tell g2g

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 9:21 PM, January 17, 2007~  

    thanks for clicking! ya, it's kind of like that, but I earn points, and when I get enough points I can trade them in for different items. I also get points for sending people emails inviting them to join clubs or whatever, but they don't have to do anything with it. Would you mind if I sent you an email?

    p.s. I clicked on some of your ads, hope that helps you!

    Anonymous Anonymous commented at 9:24 PM, January 17, 2007~  

    oh, but if you don't mind an email, don't worry it does NOT spam you.

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