When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007 My "Excuse", My News, and My Life
This is not at an excuse, it's a well developed explanation.
I am so sorry I have not updated in a bazillion years. I have a perfectly logically but annoying reason. First, I was having trouble getting "new blogger" so I just ignored it but it wouldno't let me. It kept saying "switch now" and all that and then it started limiting my remaining time to update. I did so but it was having issues, so I put it off. I couldn't update so I tried again and I edged my way around the problem by choosing an alternate answer in a certain situation. I was logged into the new blogger but when I logged out I couldn't log back in! Every time I logged in with the "new blogger" it would take me back to the blogger homepage and everytime I logged into the old blogger it said I was supposed to use the new blogger account. It's still not fixed. I am reporting this through my mom's computer which I had no choice but to use. Sorry if it'll be a while until I update again. Luckily, Mom thinks she knows how to fix it. When, that is the question. This is My News, the stuff I have not been able to tell you lately. Grandpa is feeling much better and should be getting back to normal. My cat, Spenser, on the other hand has developed an unidentified illness. Being 17 years of age we don't expect his health to be wonderful but lately his food has been coming out both ways unpleasantly. We have been giving him medicines and he got better but now he is getting worse. Please pray for my kitty! There is a possiblity that he will have to be put down so that he does not suffer. As for other medical issues I will alert you when I can. This is about My Life, also what I have been unable to inform you of. Morgan should be coming over Friday and if possible I'll update about it. My passion for graphic design continues. I am enjoying my Police Sketch Artist pack and Crime Lab kit, very realistic but not a career choice. My favorite TV show has not changed it's still Bones. I don't care what any of you say Gilmore Girls is too girly you can't pay me to watch it, stop trying. I'm not exactly average when it comes to my interests. I've finally created a monster out my sister, she is watching Ghost Whisperer now, I kid you not. That's all I can think of. ... Well thanks for putting up with me you guys! I'll update as soon as I can! Have a good one!
link | posted by J at 8:46 PM |
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