When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
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Saturday, July 09, 2005 Fireflies Til 8:45, and other stuff....
Fireflies 'Til 8:45 part 1
When Katy asked me if I could come over, I lifted my self onto the fence and jumped off. We went over to Kye's swingset and just sat on the monkey bars and stuff so we could talk without making our legs tired. We were telling all these stories and talking (speaking our opinion...lol) and I told her the story of Mr. Whiskers. (sniff) Ah, what the heck, I'll tell you and then continue Fireflies 'Til 8:45. Mr. Whiskers (sniff) A good young chap, so to speak. His death brought many tears. (laughs too...but mostly tears) Found and "adopted" by Ms. Courtney and Myself. Here is how he was found. I wasn't there the first second he was found, but came to be by him the rest of his life. Courtney, I believe, was the one who found in the small room. We were in the girl's bathroom when Courtney opened up the closet that held the big water holder thingy. (sniff) In there, were 2 crickets. One was to high to reach but the other one jumped right into our hands. He wasn't like all the small black crickets, he was a larger, yellow, squishy one, named Mr. Whiskers. (sniff) Hold on...(blows nose) Back to our story...We took him outside during our lunch break and played with him. The most delightful and trustworthy cricket I've ever met. Didn't even try to escape. We would play with him and show him to the other girls and let him play with them. After a couple days of doing this every lunch break, we took him outside again. (sniff...) Courtney, acting very "special" that day, wanted to see if he could fly. This next part you will read, if you're not bored out of your seats yet, is unbelievable. She threw him into the air right when a bee buzzed by. Mr. Whiskers landed on the back of the bee and "flew" off. This was a shock, and a laughing matter, to all of us girls that stood gazing into the sky...Poor boys had no idea what we were doing... Well, something had to be done, but it was impossible...Mr. Whiskers was gone. But we think the bee might have dropped him on the roof because that where he landed before taking off again. But, Mr. Whiskers was gone. That night I prepared a speech and invitations to his funeral, all planned by Courtney and I. At the funeral, Krista sneaked a ton of tissues and the bathroom was packed with all the girls in our grade, the grade below us, and the grade above us. Very odd... Everybody was "crying" and Krista, myself, and a couple others gave nice, long speeches about our loved and lost. Fireflies 'Til 8:45 part 2 Anyways, Katy and I just talked about random things, Mr. Whiskers and her water thing that exploded in the basement. Eventually, the fireflies came out and it was time to act younger than our age! We got one cup and put it in the fort of the swingset. We ran around catching them in our hands and sticking them through the hole where the straw goes. Kye even dropped some food in there and they went crazy for it. On the outside of the cup you could see it lighting up. At the end of our hunt, when we had to go in, we opened up the lid where all 4 of us could see. Fireflies covered the walls of the cup and the food. Few flew out. Looking at them light up was so cool! We decided to dump them over the fence for the dogs to chase. They didn't eat them though. Birkleigh was amazed. Other Stuff Hey guys! Sorry if all of my posts seem long, trust me, no matter how weird the title might sound, I'll never put a boring story up here. Ok, so I have once, but only once! Well don't forget to sign my guestbook, vote in my poll (down by the google ads), visit my picture blog, and comment on this post and others.
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