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    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Haunted Keyboards

    Taking you back...
    A long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, time ago (actually a few months), Jocelyn and I were in Language class, not talking, but discussing things. I am a good girl: See my halo? I told her about my keyboard that plays itself, especially on cold, stormy nights. She told me this one thing, and I think she might stick to it..."It's either me, or the keyboard..."

    Last Night
    It's around 4 in the afternoon, and Jocelyn and I are playing with my adorable "wittle" Birkleigh. Her back is to the keyboard and I am facing her. All of a sudden, little red lights start to glow on my keyboard, in the exact way it does when people play it. I told her to turn around, and when she did, her face was stuck in a "I can not believe what you told me in language class a long, long, long time ago is actually true and I'm very shocked and surprised and somewhat hungry!" look.
    Later that night, after being in the computer room (also after dinner for the "somewhat hungry") we decided to go into my room considering the fact that it is my room. Jocelyn stopped dead in her tracks, with an expression that said something that will take a very long time to type. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, and she said one word...My name! I walked into my room, slowly but not too slowly, and saw the keyboard playing itself...With the volume turned all the way down, which I never do. I turned it off and Jocelyn followed the keys that it was playing, and found it eerie, depressing music. Very few keys were high, most were low, deep notes. We ignored it and talked in my room and later went back into the computer room where we watched home-made movies. Some not so good, some that almost broke Jocelyn's ribs. I went into the..well..I did my business, and when I walked out Jocelyn was again standing with a strange look on her face and saying my name. I walked into the room, and my keyboard was playing a different song. We stood stunned, staring in stiflement at the strangeness of my demented music player thing. We turned it off and sat down. A few minutes later, Jocelyn walked over to the keyboard and turned it on. I was not paying attention because I was wrapped up in my own boredom. Jocelyn jumped and yelled my name, claiming that all the keys lit up at the same time for a split second right when she pressed the on button. Our little poltergeist obviously doesn't want Jocelyn near my keyboard. I didn't believe her, because, well... Would you? Anyways, I went over to the keyboard, turned it off, then turned it on. Nothing... Three times I turned it on and nothing happened. Jocelyn walked over and pressed the on button... (This is the part where creepy music plays.) The second her finger pressed the button, and I did see it, all the keys lit up for a split second... Wo! I run down stairs in horror with Jocelyn on my tail. I came up to Mom and Jocelyn stopped and spoke these few words...
    "That keyboard is possessed..."

    link | posted by J at 7:20 AM | 1 comments

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    The Lunacy of My Dog

    The Pepperoni Puppy
    Everybody's read the book, "When You Give a Pig a Pancake". It's a whole book of cause and effect about this cute and crazy little pig. What you're about to read here, is "When You Give My Puppy Pizza Toppings". A few days ago, I was eating pepperoni for lunch. We had bought a big pack of them and they had been sitting in the fridge for about a week. So I was leaning against the counter, eating pepperonis. Ryleigh had never had a cold pepperoni before, and was staring up at me with big, sad little eyes. I told him to stop begging and he did. When I finished my pepperonis, I gave him one for being good. I went into the front room and started watching TV on our DVR. 15 minutes later, Mom yells at me from the the kitchen. It's not very far from the front room. She asked, "Did you give Ryleigh a pepperoni?" I didn't know I wasn't supposed to and Mom didn't either until this very odd behavior. I answered with a yes and the words "Fix him!" came back to me. Oh boy... So I walk into the kitchen to see what the problem is. I look at Mom wondering what the problem is. "Fix him..." and she points to the little white dog sitting beside the kitchen table, licking a pepperoni. He sat with it in between his oustretched arms, and glared at anyone who came near. Ok, this is a 20-pound rat terrier with a pepperoni that believes he's a threat... Birkleigh walks up near Ryleigh. Rowrh!!! Ryleigh launched out at Birkleigh screaming and swinging, and then goes back to his pepperoni. I don't even think he touched Birkleigh. Ryleigh was laying by his pepperoni as if it had never happened. "Fix him..."

    The Scallop Savage
    This time, it wasn't my fault... The following story is real... It took place on Sunday, April 2nd, Ryleigh's birthday.
    I'm sitting in my room, just sitting... I was very bored, so I walk downstairs to play with Ryleigh. He's sitting by the couch all alone with something in his mouth. I come up to him and reach out to pet him, only to find myself sitting my my hand in the air. Ryleigh ran as fast as he could across the room. I saw a small, tan object in his mouth. I tried to grab him but he ran again. He being very protective of this thing...
    "Mom, did you give Ryleigh a treat?"
    "I think he's got something.."
    I chased after him and finally stopped, waiting for him to drop it. I could tell it was squishy.
    Dad yelled across the room: "Is it a scallop?"
    Mom replied with, "It can't be, I gave him a scallop 15 mintues ago!"
    I snatched the whatever it was from Ryleigh. I held the slobbery scallop in my hand...
    "Yeah, it's a scallop..."

    link | posted by J at 3:13 PM | 1 comments

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