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    Friday, June 29, 2007

    The Treacherous Voyage to...The Basement!

    In order to work off a new camera my dad bought for me I have to whatever ginormous "chores" he tells me. Ones that I usually would not do because if you know me, I do a lot of day-to-day chores. Well here is the story of the basement...My first destination.

    Keaton is under this too, for my dad ordered him a camera also.

    Downstairs is my mom's office, yes it's in the basement. She does her sewing and working down there. On each side there is a door. Keep in mind, this is underground.
    On the North side of her office, in the closet, past the many clothes and keepsakes, is a door. It's a short door, shorter than me and that says a lot. When you duck down and go through that door, you are in the midst of storage and dirt. It is the cave. The room left unfinished from years ago.

    On the South side of her office is a door that leads into an almost finished room that we call "the gym". There are weights in it, and so much more. The air hockey table had a mountain of junk. You could barely see the floor. And it smelled horrible. I was at an art thing when Keaton started and he was moving things around. We had to rearrange shelves and clean, dispose, or store all excess items. It took quite a few hours. Keaton took an old dirty blanket with dead spiders and itchy dirt and threw it at me. But don't worry I got back at him later...
    After all was done we showered and went to Buffalo Wild Wings, where Keaton (gasp!) had never been! Our family is simply obsessed with it.

    Two days later Aunt Cindy came over, and while we were having tons of fun playing Mario Party 8 (on the Wii) the doorbell rang. Dad brought in two boxes and I saw that one read JVC. The camera I ordered! The other was Keatons. I'm surprised it came in so early!
    The camera is cool but I still have to wait for it to finish charging! Then I'm gonna have fun!


    By the way, I did get Keaton back. He put his hat on and it was soaking wet, so when he pulled it off there was mousse in it. But too late, it already all over his head and he had already been sprayed with perfume!

    link | posted by J at 7:15 AM | 0 comments

    Monday, June 18, 2007

    Nothing New, This is only a post.

    I take this time to share my opinions on previous post subjects and other situations that have occured..

    Post: Summer is HERE!!! (link: click here)
    I am halfway through my first session of art class. Today I signed up for a class called Clock Works where design (YAY!) and building (BOOM BOOM! WOOHOO! jk) are used to create...Clocks! Shocker, I know.

    Post: Not Your Every Day Decision (link: click here)
    As you can tell this is a frustrating matter. I have had people ask if certain people (ones that a post like this would bother, I will not give names) read the post. To clear things up, I don't know and I don't care. It's my blog, my opinions. It's not a crime to talk about my cousins latest stupidity stunt. He's a great guy and I never said he wasn't!
    Also, you might like to know (to my dismay) he is still engaged. Nope, hasn't called it off yet. I also met his finacee (finally!) and I can't stand her. It's not that I'm close minded or frustrated by her, it's that I didn't like her. She didn't say a word to me when I talked to her and she's just not very nice! Just thought you might like to know.

    Post: Wow...The End (link: click here)
    I do miss my friends already very much. In fact, I have had hardly any contact with them. (Ahem...) I am glad it's summer but I miss school. I keep thinking "O! When see Jane Doe at school on Monday I'll tell them--" but that's not gonna happen. It's frustrating, sad, but yet...

    Update: Computer News!
    Okay, remember how my computer would always mess up and I had to suffer for it? And my gmail and youtube accounts were not accessible through my computer? And how I know how to clean my computer and fix everything because I am (sigh) the computer whiz but couldn't?
    No more! No more I say! I have a new CPU with a clean, wiped, empty harddrive! Of course I transferred over many files and downloaded my old programs. But this one is cleaner, newer, and...
    I got a flat screen monitor with it!

    link | posted by J at 4:12 PM | 2 comments

    Friday, June 15, 2007

    Leta and Jova

    Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been taking art classes and next week is the last week. Leta and Jova came over yesterday and they are staying until tomorrow. So far we've found interesting information about my cousins upcoming marriage, watched horror movies (with a few laughs) and a new bottle of hair bye for tomorrow. Strawberry blonde!

    We met at Acamabaro for lunch before coming to my house. I don't get to see Leta and Jova a lot because they live so far away. Their little sister, Beya, also came over to play with my sister Bailey.

    We watched:
    The Grudge
    Now we HAVE to watch Grudge 2 and we can not wait until Grudge 3 comes out...O yes, a third!
    The Fog
    This movie was so good. It wasn't "scary" but it was suspenseful and some of the effects were a little disturbing. We enjoyed it.

    Well, I don't have much time but I thought I would do a quick update. Have a great summer!

    link | posted by J at 11:42 PM | 0 comments

    Thursday, June 07, 2007

    WARNING: Health for a Price!

    Wow...the information below is just weird. As seen in one of my previous posts, my cat died from contaminated food. The same contamination was in food given to chickens that poisoned them and then served to us, poisoning people. Scientists (also in a previous post) are trying to clone cows. How safe will that be? Is our "safety" actually killing us and other animals? Is sanitaion going to end lives? Read below!

    Leptospirosis: This incident happened recently in North Texas.
    A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke which
    she put into the refrigerator of the boat. On Monday she was taken to the
    hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit. She died on Wednesday.
    The autopsy concluded she died of Leptospirosis. This was traced to the
    can of coke she drank from, not using a glass. Tests showed that the can
    was infected by dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis
    Rat urine contains toxic and deathly substances. It is highly
    recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part of Soda cans before drinking
    out of
    them. The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported

    straight to the shops without being cleaned.
    A study at NYCU showed that the tops of soda cans are more contaminated
    than public toilets (i.e).. full of germs and bacteria. So wash them with
    water before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal

    Is being "healthy" really worth it?

    My opinion on it:
    The government goes to treacherous measures to "protect" us and this shows that other people are just as bad. I am not a liberal tree hugging idiot and I don't agree with many of those people (cough: Al Gore) but we are definitely at risk. Being "safe" has a price.

    Are you willing to take the risk?

    This information has been confirmed, visit: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/raturine.asp

    link | posted by J at 1:19 PM | 1 comments

    Wednesday, June 06, 2007

    Summer is HERE!!!

    Yes, that time has come! I am ready for summer fun!
    So far, I have only gone swimming twice but I plan much more fun in the sun.

    Hopefully I can see a lot of my friends that don’t go to my school because summer is one of the few times of year I can see them.

    I have to do a project this summer to be accepted into the AP English course I want and it is a lot easier than last summers.

    This summer I am taking two art classes and band camp. I will also be babysitting quite a bit and while my neighbors are gone I have been assigned to take care of their cat and fish.

    I have a fairly busy summer but it won’t stop me from posting on my blog.
    What are your plans for the summer? Leave me a comment!


    link | posted by J at 4:17 PM | 1 comments

    Friday, June 01, 2007

    Wow...The End

    School is a huge part of my life. Even though it’s hard, I couldn’t ask for better teachers, better friends, or a better school. This past year has been so perfect! As I mature, I get closer to my friends and learn more respect for my school. I am so glad I was able to experience so much learning and entertainment in 2007.

    Today was the last day of school. We had no work, no responsibility. We were able to enjoy this last year before going on to a new level of education. I am ready, but it’s hard to see my friends leave or just not see them for three months. Are you ready for summer?

    In this year, I’ve made great friends. I’ve gotten closer to old ones and befriended new ones. Each one of my acquaintances placed a special part of my heart and I will never forget any of them, no matter what happens. I made wise choices in choosing friends and I am proud of myself as well as them. I learned from my friends and they learned from me. Because of them, I believe I have improved myself tremendously.

    My teachers were absolutely amazing. I learned about character from each of my teachers. Every one of my subjects was taught in a way I could understand and I am thankful for that. I hope that I am granted with this gift for the years to come.

    In my future, I hope to see my friends more. Those that are leaving I hope not to lose touch and those that are staying I hope not to lose. As for my teachers, I will never forget them or what they gave me. I hope to visit them and stay up to date with their conditions.

    Old teachers and friends still have a place in my heart from long ago and I am so glad. I hope the many opportunities I was given this year are under the same circumstances.

    Thank you guys so much!
    I will never lose you!
    Please don’t forget me and stay in touch!I love you, thanks for sticking with me.


    link | posted by J at 9:07 PM | 1 comments

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