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    Thursday, May 31, 2007

    Telegram for You People

    Dear You People STOP
    I am easily annoyed STOP Many things get on my nerves STOP I especially can’t stand repetitive noises, sounds, et cetera STOP
    I would very much like to know what annoys you STOP If possible give me an obvious example without maybe pointing out straight forward what it is you can’t stand STOP

    Other things that annoy me include: (STOP?)
    Annoying humor that is funny but after a while gets really irritating after being mentioned over and over. (Hmm...STOP)
    When people randomly throw strange objects made of strange material at my face.
    When the little curvy red line under the “wrong” words remains unattended to.
    How people, when not even being stared at, shout “What’re you looking at?”
    How Ryleigh whines and whimpers just for attention, not because of danger or fear.
    And most importantly, I must share...
    When my mother calls me, not by my name or species, but refers to me as “You People”
    After you have read this and maybe even laughed or become annoyed yourself STOP Please leave a comment telling me how you feel STOP I’ll be glad to read it STOP

    Have a nice day
    Don’t STOP reading!

    link | posted by J at 8:00 PM | 2 comments

    Monday, May 28, 2007

    "Anne of Green Gables"

    Taking you back to long ago on Prince Edward Island...
    J STYLE!!!

    Yesterday, I was invited to go see my friend Morgans play. She was in a production you've probably heard of called "Anne of Green Gables." It's a marvelous play based on a remarkable series of books that Morgan adores. She got the part of Priscilla "Prissy" Andrews, a beautiful, but snobby, character lacking intellect who falls in love with the school teacher. Prissy is very opposite of Morgan's character, but she portrayed her very well.
    Her cousins, Bekkah and Rylee, who are so fun, also got parts as sunday school children.

    If you haven't read the book, seen the movie, or watched the play, then it's likely that you don't what it's about. It's about a young orphan girl, Anne (with an e) Shirley who is invited to live with a family in a house called Green Gables. Although the family asked for a boy, they grow to love Anne just the same. In the play, Anne experiences fright in losing her best friend, saving a girls life, and living with the trauma of what happens to her "father". Within all this she has happy times of singing, attending school, and feeling accepted into a new home. It was a very good play and I highly recommend all of you to find a premiere near you or even try out the book or movie.

    In the play that I saw, the acting was very good. Prissy Andrews was portrayed by Morgan and she did a fabulous job. If you hear anything about someone screaming "GO PRISSY!" it wasn't me, I know nothing about it, and it had nothing to do with the person typing on this blog biting her bottom lip nervously in terror only imagined by one who could commit such a crime and escape with but the terribly clear memory.
    Anne was played very well, although I have seen better I am not one to critique. Josie was portrayed with great character and emotion.
    Mrs. Lynde was highly entertaining and absolutely hilarious.
    It was a great play and I am glad to have had the chance to see it.

    ♥ J

    link | posted by J at 3:15 PM | 0 comments

    Saturday, May 26, 2007

    Not Your Every Day Decision

    As I sit here in my chair with hiccups typing the words I hope many will soon read I think about the events in the soon future. I have a planner that says "J's '07 Planner" with pink polka dots and inside I find many events. Parties, camps, classes, and a graduation. Today, I will be attending the graduation of my cousin, Blane.
    Now, let me tell you something about Blane.
    He's a teenage boy who's been raised knowing only what's in front of his nose. The only job oppurtunity he sees is the one destined for him at the company his father owns. The only education oppurtunity is the poor private school he's attended all his life. And the only marriage oppurtunity is the one offered right when he graduates so that he can no longer live in fear of never meeting another girl he could fall in love with after high school.
    Of course, being the sheltered teen he his, he took this chance and proposed and will be wed in August to a beautiful (and short) young woman named Lisa. I have never met Lisa, for she and Blane have been a couple only about a year, maybe almost two.
    Here's the thing, I think that Blane is pulling an idiot stunt. He's in such a rush to marry anybody that common sense doesn't matter. He has hardly any money and he's willing to pay for two people in a house. He has no good reason to get married this year. He's going back where he started. Not knowing any other oppurtunities.
    If you or a relative has experienced this (*cough*insane) leave a comment, I want to hear your opinion.
    I know that somebody will probably disagree with me, please share your thoughts.

    link | posted by J at 9:30 AM | 2 comments

    Thursday, May 17, 2007


    A good friend of mine and I were talking today. She said,
    "What's up?"
    and I said
    "The sky."
    and she said
    "No, the ceiling."
    and I pointed out that in Antarctica up was down. She pondered this for a while and concluded with a nod of the head. As we continued our conversation we thought deeply about how up is down in Antarctica but they don't realize it. The blood doesn't rush to their head in Antarctica because of gravity pulling them down which is up on the globe but down when standing in Antarctica, which is at the bottom of the Earth. Can upside down and right side up be the same thing at the same time?
    We kept talking and she pointed out that we are not upside down or right side up.
    "We're...sideways!" was her conclusion.
    Which is true and yet up is still up and not out or sideways. She then said that it was west. This couldn't exactly be true because the depth of space probably does not have the same latitude. If it did then there would be an east west and a west west. Unless it wasn't north, south, east, or west, it was actually...

    Can you consider that logic? I find it more amusing than scientific.

    It actually, in a slightly comical sense, is a metaphor for life. It's west to some, up to most, sideways to others. Not everything is how it seems, and not everything you are told or what you consider to be true is reality. Sometimes you just have to look outside of the box...
    Maybe even...
    Looking sideways?

    J ♥

    link | posted by J at 7:21 PM | 3 comments

    Monday, May 14, 2007

    An Apology, an Update, and a Girl with a Plan

    You missed me! I know you did!
    Ok, first of all I am so sorry! I completely abandoned my readers and I am sorry for that. I have reasons (ahem, excuses) and I know some of you are shaking your head in disappointment but they are very, umm...reasonable...???
    My computer is really (nice word, please?) retarded. The Internet was painfully messed up and I could not log on to gmail or blogger. I was unable to use the Internet for an extended period of time also.

    An Update
    ~First of all-
    As you probably know, if you read yesterday's post, our cat Spenser has been put down due to terrible circumstances. Read the post for more information and the vets sympathy.
    I am a trumpet player and I love it so much it really has a huge place in my heart, and I went to a Solo and Ensemble to play a Solo. The score of 1 was the best and the score of 5 was the worst. 1 and 2 got medals. I played a solo entitled Dance Song and got a 1! Now I have a blue medal hanging on my wall.
    ~O yes, there is more-
    I am chewing gum at this moment. Oh yes, I am that COOL! Believe it.

    A Girl with a Plan
    That's me! No, I'm definitely not self absorbed!
    I plan to update much much more with reasonable posts (shorten them? maybe...) and I hope to give you guys reason to check my blog every day.
    Summer is coming (tear) and I will miss my friends terribly but I will update more. Also, I'll be going to band camp for 4 days and I'll write down a blog entry on a piece of paper every day and post it when I get back. But that is much later.
    More pics on da picture blog! O yeah, I've made a commitment and I will stick to it. Sorry I've completely ignored it. If you happened to forgot it, it is www.jbirdpics.blogspot.com!!!
    Luv you guys!

    By the way, the french fries at school are muchas better!!!


    link | posted by J at 5:32 PM | 0 comments

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