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    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    A Recent Loss

    My family and I have recently suffered a terrible loss. Our cat, Spenser, was having stomach troubles for an excessive amount of time. He was losing weight and was very sick. Mom took him to the vet, but doubted bringing him back. The vet delivered some terrible news. Spenser was suffering with stomach cancer and had to be put down.
    A few days later, still in our grief, we watched the news and encountered a terrible sight. There had been an animal food recall with terrible toxins in it, fatal. Spenser's was one of those brands. He was getting old so we switched his food, what was supposed to help him only hurt him. When that kindly glow disappeared from his loving eyes we knew it was bad and now he's gone. It's hard, but everything happens for a reason.
    The vet sent us a card following the experience:
    Thinking of you,
    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Spenser. You gave him a long and happy life. Most cats don't love 17 years, much less get to spend that time with a family that loves them. I know you will miss him tremendously.
    May your heart be healed, knowing that no pet received more love than you gave to yours.
    Deepest sympathy on your loss of Spenser,
    Dr. Viki
    Thanks for stickin with me guys.

    link | posted by J at 8:52 PM | 4 comments

    Friday, March 02, 2007

    Blood Moon

    Tomorrow at 5:21 in CST, the moon will go under the earth’s shadow. For these three hours it will be a bright red color. Blood red.
    The reason I’m including this in my post is because I find it fascinating enough to tell you about it. It is a science and I want you to know about all of the science you have missed out on because I have not been able to update.

    Bailey was sick for a while with the stomach bug...Ew...

    Morgan came over last weekend and we ate jelly beans in our coke and messed with the camera.

    The fries at school were good for a while, now they are nasty again.

    I’m trying to read 6 books this weekend. I really want to read “Go Ask Alice” about a girl on drugs.

    I’ll try to update more often now that I can.

    I love you guys!
    Thanks for sticking with me. MwAh mWaH!

    link | posted by J at 4:44 PM | 3 comments

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