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    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    Livi Comes Over

    We’re Home!
    Olivia and I hopped into the car and went to her house. She went to get her overnight bag and then headed home. We came in and she greeted the dogs. We took our stuff upstairs and decided to chill. She played my piano and I played her flute.

    Don’t You Remember Me?
    Keaton does not know Livi’s cell number, so we called him from there.
    “Hi this is Jennifer Baker, I know you.” Keaton desperately tried to explain that she had the wrong number and when she explained, “Third grade, Mrs. Nesbitt’s class.” He decided to believe her. He told her he didn’t remember her and she started “crying hysterically” and she hung up. From the same number “Marrisa”, that’s me, called explaining “Jennifer’s” depression and grief. Jennifer was in the background crying “Why, Keaton? Why?” She had explained that she had loved him since she met him. Marissa told him that Jennifer loved him and she went on and on about her. When they hung up, Keaton called me. He asked if I remembered a Jennifer Baker. I questioned him and he told me the story. Later he found out that Olivia was at my house and he put 2 and 2 together. We also called Lisa with a similar story, but Olivia was “Braden, Jin Jin’s friend.” We told Lisa pretty quickly.

    Air Hockey
    After Bailey left for Emilie’s house, Liv and I went downstairs to play air hockey. We turned up the volume on Mom’s PC and we played air hockey! I started off winning with a breeze, but Liv ended up beating me. We played a few rounds with the puck quantity ranging from 1 to 3. Yes, we did get hurt. I can’t play air hockey and not make the puck fly. I hit it so hard it got lost behind some jars on a high shelf. I got it back though. Livi hit me a few times but it didn’t hurt. It would go right past us and we would open our mouths wide in amazement.

    Liv and I love the song “eBay” by Weird Al. We decided to make a music video for that song. It started out where Olivia made an appointment with a therapist who was me. I dressed the part. Her character was fairly secret about her reasons for therapy. When she told the therapist she had an obsession, I asked her what it was with. She stared off into space. Her vision is the Ebay song. It starts out where she’s getting everything on eBay and it doesn’t matter. It is synchronized to the hilarious song, of course. As it goes on, the shoppers start acting differently, obsessing over eBay and dressing strangely and acting strangely. It’s very funny. At the end of the song, Olivia comes out of her vision. The therapist gets her attention and Olivia replies with, “Actually, I think I just solved my problem, thank you for your time.” She leaves the room with the therapist very confused. During the song, they had a snowglobe where the words “A rare mint snow globe” occur. When the therapist picks up the pillow, she finds the snowglobe used during the song, and that ends the video.
    We began the video that night and continued the next morning.

    We stayed up until 12 or 12:30, doing random stuff on the computer and talking. We also played with my “Stringin’ It”, a light show reflecting on a white string creating a multicolored spinning light effect. It is awesome! And Olivia loved it!

    We woke up and had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We played air hockey, played on the computer, yadayadayada. Bailey was still at Emile’s birthday party and not to be home until noon.

    Something Wasn’t Right
    Liv and I played air hockey and then went outside on the trampoline. That didn’t last long. We went into Mom’s office to wash our hands. I took a step onto the rug in the bathroom. Eeww... Chills ran through my foot and the cold swept past my veins. The water bubbled up around my foot, trying to swallow it whole. My foot sank into the freezing wet rug. I jumped, my foot was dripping. I edged around to wash my hands, even in a state like that I had to feel clean. Liv and I ran upstairs to get Mom. When she came down, she was startled. Only the rug. The sink wasn’t leaking, not the toilet either. I went to get Dad. He looked in the cave (read the middle paragraph) and found a whole section flooded. The storm yesterday consisted of rain and hail, and it had gotten into a vent that led into the cave. The water had soaked through and soaked the rug in the bathroom. Dad had ti suck it out.

    The Last Bit
    Liv stayed until 6:15. We had lunch from Sonic and we had spent most of the day working on the video which will turn out great. We talked a lot and had lots of fun.
    I am so glad Olvia got to come over! I had an awesome time. I can’t wait until she comes again.

    link | posted by J at 9:40 PM | 2 comments

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    Raccoons: Are they More Devious than We Thought?

    Yes, yes, and yes!
    I’ve known this story all my life, but it was brought up in conversation the other day so I thought I’d put it on my blog.

    My mom and my cousin Brandi (5 years younger) were at Aunt Cindy’s house. Aunt Cindy is Brandi’s mom. Mom was about 13 and Brandi about 8. Aunt Cindy had a demented raccoon that was stranger than she thought. It cornered my mom and Brandi in a room, threatening them for hours until they could defend themselves well enough to get out. Uncle Dane, being a redneck, decided to freeze it. Yes, freeze it to death. They threw it in a big freezer for 2 days. When they opened the door the raccoon hopped out, still evil. Raccoons, fur, not that big of a deal. So, Uncle Dane decided to shoot it. He took it out back with a his gun and shot it, where the raccoon fell into the pond behind for a drown of doom, not to come back again. Right?
    Wrong! The next day, it was sitting on the porch, a little bit of dried blood on it. A look of demonic ideas reflecting in his eyes. Hanging out like a raccoon. Nothing abnormal about his behavior. Yes, I am dead serious. Eventually, Dane shot at it and it ran into the woods, where raccoons belong. Never seen again by Aunt Cindy or her family. We don’t know about anyone else...

    My point, raccoons are not to be kept in a house under human possession. They are wild and apparently reluctant to leave. Now that I’ve scared the living daylights out of you and you are convinced that raccoons are demons, I bid you good day.
    Will post more soon.

    link | posted by J at 7:35 PM | 1 comments

    Saturday, September 16, 2006

    The Bee Sting Shot

    “This will feel like a bee sting...” I wasn’t scared, but I was wondering if I should be. The needle slowly came closer to my skin. What had I seen so far? Blood, cotton balls, needles. I wasn’t scared... Why was everyone panicking? I could hear my heart beat. What if I had it? Positive...The word of the day. The needle was getting closer. Bee sting? In English, the girl came back stunned. Mosquito bite. Carefully aimed towards my right arm. My arm was pale, the needle was cold. Was it touching me yet? I couldn’t tell. Sideways, it seemed. I flinched. Why?

    Anyone who had attended the school last year had to have it. It was just a shot. The principal had explained it to us at orientation. I had had one in 1st grade, but I didn’t remember it at all. Tuberculosis...I had read about it. A disease in the lungs, possibly fatal. The TB test they had called it. A vaccination injecting tuberculosis into your blood stream. A couple days later they would check it. If there was a spot, they would be positive. A possibility of catching tuberculosis. They all knew though, and they would stop it. I never realized how many kids hated needles. They were scared. I didn’t think much of it. I had heard it was less than half as bad as getting your ears pierced. A lot of people had to be tested. They called them down by homerooms. When walking through the hall, all anyone heard was “Does it hurt?”. The question everyone was asking. I was in English class. There were four of us, and we didn’t talk about it. We didn’t want to. Jordan, Hannah, Philip, and I. We were writing and talking. We tried, but we couldn’t avoid it. Who had it? There were rumors. Were they true? News travels fast. They called my homeroom teacher. I went to the band room. I guess the nurses office was too small. I received a sheet of paper and they told me to get in a line. They filled out my name and information and sent me to a nurse.
    She prepared the vaccination. She wet my arm down with something on a cotton ball. Cold, I didn’t care. Shots don’t hurt, having TB does. What would happen if...
    “This will feel like a bee sting.” What kind of supportive “Oh yeah it will be easy” statement is that? I’ve been stung by a bee, it’s not the best thing in the world. The needle came closer, did my life depend on this needle? This sharp, shiny needle? Positive...the word of the day. Who was positive? I flinched. For half a second, it did feel like a bee sting. But then it was over and I hardly remembered it. That easy, but was I positive? Bbrrr...It was cold all of a sudden. No pain, just a little blood. She handed me a cotton ball, ewww... I didn’t keep it long. I handed another form into someone and went to 2nd period.

    Positive...The word of the day. It had been a couple days since the shot. Who was positive? Walking through the halls, the whispers told secrets. Three people so far. The question is will we have to take it again? I got in line, pretty confident. Three people so far. Would there officially be four when I left the room? No, I doubt it... Probably not. The nurse took one look at my arm and handed me a note. I walked out and read the note...Negative. Three people so far. I promise, they can stop it before it happens. That test will save three people. All for half a second of a bee sting.

    link | posted by J at 7:53 AM | 1 comments

    Saturday, September 09, 2006

    Test Drive

    The Ridgeline
    Dad has had the same old Honda Accord for a long long time. He has been wanting a Honda Ridgeline so we decided to put it to the test. Dad and I went to the Honda place to check it out and test drive. We pulled in a looked at all the Ridgelines parked beside each other. There was a deep red one, a bright white one and a few other colors. The one that stood out was the gorgeous gunmetal grey. We studied the car inside and out before we took it for a ride. The man that helped us was very kind and not the least bit pushy or rushed. We got in the car and started driving. It was smooth like the Pilot. The rear-view mirror had a compass on it and it was so cool. There was lots of room and everything was shiny and clean. All of the controls seemed so high-tech and cool. Dad drove with me in the passenger seat and the man in the back. We went up and down a hill which was really cool. We passed Grandma Judy’s house and we zoomed past a golf course. It wasn’t bumpy or anything like that, it was smooth sailing. Dad and I kept on playing with the moon roof. Open and close, open and close!

    Extra Time
    Before we left we checked out the S2000s. We sat it them and pretended we were driving. We checked out the seats and the controls and everything. It was really cool. I like the red the best. Yellow just didn’t seem to fit it right. We looked through some Ridgeline brochures and went on our merry way.

    Mustang Magic
    Oh yeah! We drove over to the Ford place because it was close to the Honda place. I’m really big on mustangs. They’re so cool. We acted like we were planning to buy one even though all we wanted was a ride. We chose a ‘stang and the guy went to get gas. During that time Dad took a picture of me in one of the really nice mustangs. We wandered around admiring the beauty. I don’t like Ford, but I love mustangs. The guy came back in the gorgeous black mustang, glistening in the light. Brand new 05 GT that wouldn’t stop saying my name. “J, you got shotgun.” It had a wonderful voice. I had to get in the back so that Dad could be the passenger while the guy drove. The black ‘stang started up, taking a huge breath before the beginning of his journey. Everyone got settled in and we drove down the road as the man explained some of the nicer features of the car. Eventually, we pulled over and switched places. I got into the passenger seat, Dad was in the drivers seat, and the man was in the back. We went up and down some hills, listening to the faint hum of the car. It was intense, yet relaxing. Exciting, yet calming. Everything in the front seat was fancy. From the air conditioners to the CD drive. The car would calmly come to a stop, and then fly into a faster gear when starting again. We eventually pulled into the parking lot of the Ford place, and we got out. We looked at the engine a bit and then left.

    It was an awesome day.

    link | posted by J at 4:55 PM | 1 comments

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    2 Reviews

    I just finished a book called "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" by Stephen King. Yesterday, I watched a movie called "Red Eye". Now I will tell you what I think of these and I will summarize and let you make the decision of taking my opinions to heart or simply reading for entertainment never to take them seriously therefore disappointing me and tuning out the world of suspense forever leaving your life dull and without adventure. Have a nice day.

    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
    Stephen King is an amzing writer, and this is an excellent book of his.
    The story starts out with a wonderful 9-year-old girl without a wonderful family. Although they love her very much, her parents are divorced and her dad is a daily drunk. He is kind and fair but it hurts Trisha that her dad punishes himself in such a way. Her mother is constantly in arguements with Pete, Trisha's brother. Yet, Trisha is a happy girl with a very smart mind and a compassion for Tom Gordon, a famous baseball player for the Red Sox. When hiking in the woods, Trisha get's tired of her mother and brother's constant bickering and wanders off to do some business. When she finishes, she turns around to find the trail but it is nowhere in sight. The book tells about her adventures in the woods. The good, the bad, the pretty, the scary. From falling down a cliff to touching a butterfly this book is full of adventure and suspense. She tries to follow a stream to safety but bad things start to follow her. Something is making noises in the woods. Something is watching her every move. Something will do whatever it can to get what it wants. Something wants Trisha McFarland.

    Red Eye
    Wes Craven is an amazing director. This movie is not his average blood and gore. Actually, it lacks that. But it is made up for with suspense. This riveting tale will chill you and thrill you and glue you to your seat. Lisa goes on a plane to go back home after flying to Texas for a funeral, but ends up with much more. The man right next to her thousands of feet in the air wants something and he won't leave er alone until he has it. Much of the suspense takes place on the plane but the rest is on the ground where there are no witnesses. Jack is after a certain family and he needs Lisa to get to them. He threatens her father and it turns into much more. Three people know the truth, Lisa, Jack, and a little girl on the plane. It's a story of brilliance and threat, hiding and finding, and edge-of-your-seat suspense.

    I highly recommend both of these thrillers.

    link | posted by J at 8:05 AM | 0 comments

    Sunday, September 03, 2006

    School So Far

    Here are some stories about how school has been.

    Day 1--Yes, I'm Lost
    School had been going pretty good so far. Most of my friends were not in my classes but I did see them off and on. It was 4th period and my schedule said Art. So I had to find the art room. It said room 313 so I went looking in the 300's. I was walking through the hall but wait, no room 313. I asked a teacher and he said that there was no room 313. Did that mean my art class didn't exist? I thought about going to the office and getting my schedule changed when I decided to give it another chance. Mrs. Krueger was on of my teachers last year and she was a pre-algebra teacher this year. She moved grades, but she was still in the same school. I went to go and ask her if she knew of room 313. I couldn't find her in her room, so I turned into a different hall way. This hall was bigger and it had bathrooms, but it was way in the back of the school, almost unnoticed. I walked in and stopped. There stood one of those fake walls you can put up that are about a foot away from the ceiling. Attached to the wall was a sheet of paper hanging by some tape. It read, "Art--Mrs. Hatch Room 313". Don't ask, I'm not quite sure myself...

    Day 3--Getting Better
    Wednesday was the day I was actually understanding everything. I was able to get to my classes, and I was developing ways not to be late. I began to memorize some of my friends schedules so that I would know when to meet them and what time. Jocelyn and I carpooled like we always do, so that was a good time for me to see her. I see Paxton before Gym and after Gym, and I see Olivia and Jocelyn before Art. Sometimes I see Paxton in the library because she is a librarian 1st period, which is my English class. I figured all of this stuff out and became pretty organized.

    Day 10--I Have a Perfectly Good Reason for...Oh boy, cutting class.
    Yep, I cut class. Just hear me out though! LOL! It was art, completely uncontrollable. A horrible group of kids bent on demolition of Room 313. Even though it's technically not a room. Throwing things and yelling and screaming with the famous Substitute Teacher as captive.
    Half an hour I put up with it, and that's how long it took me to realize I was sick of it. The teacher couldn't control the class and I couldn't sit in my own seat because of all the commotion running into my table.I had finished my work and the girl next to me said "I wish we could just leave." I smiled and told her I would. She would never dare do something like that, so she stared at me with her mouth wide open as I gathered my stuff and left the classroom, or would it be classhall? Never mind that. I literally got up and walked out of class. Of course, the sub didn't notice and neither did anyone else. Wait, where would I go? Of course... Remember Mrs. Krueger? Well, she is Jocelyn and Jordan's (not me, my close personal friend) teacher. I walked down the hall and into Mrs. Krueger's room, said "Hi" to Mrs. Krueger, and sat down beside Jocelyn. She had finished her work so we were talking and Jordan came over and started talking too. It was really cool. That is my perfectly good reason for cutting class.

    link | posted by J at 2:01 PM | 1 comments

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