When I say "whatever" it means "anything that I want to write!" It's J's Blog of Whatever!!! |
Previous Posts
Monday, February 28, 2005 What's Been Up
We went to church and after that went to Wal*Mart. We then went to Jose's (the restaurant) and had lunch. When we got home I went downstairs with Mom and we watched Leprechaun. It was very good! It's rated R but it was cut for TV, which I like. I don't like watching movies with improper stuff and stuff. So, it was pratically PG13. It was really good, but I can never sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star again without hearing "where's me gold" with it. After Leprechaun We went upstairs and watched The Village. Actually, I left about 1/4 of the way through the movie becuase it was sad. It didn't scare me at all, it was just sad. I left not long after the girl asked to go into the forest to buy medicine for her boyfriend. I didn't want to see any more blood or anything. While we were watching our movies, Sara was at her house watching The Day After Tomorrow, which she says is good. I will probably take her recommendation and see it when I get the chance. It sounds sad, but good. If nobody gets stabbed, then I'll be fine. Hahaha! You'd kind of have to see The Village to know exactly what I'm talking about. Today Went to school, blah blah, blah. Ok.... Me, Gooby, and Sara all talked about the movies we had seen. They told me about The Day After Tomorrow, I told them about Leprechaun, and Gooby and I mentioned some things about The Village to Sara. It was a nice day. Friday, February 25, 2005 I'm sitting here checking e-mail and stuff so I might as well post whats up
I'm sitting here checking e-mail and stuff so I might as well post whats up. (as you read, the title) I've been e-mailing my friend Sara and stuff since I came in. I was outside with Katy. We talked and stuff and skated a bit. Rusty came over and started talking to Mom and Dad and Katy had to go in and help with dinner. We're ordering pizza tonight. I am getting pepperoni. I hope we have some parmesan in the fridge. In fact, I'll go check right now!
Monday, February 21, 2005 Day Off
Well, we got the day off today for Presidents Day. For me, it was like a 4 day weekend!
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday COOL!!! My dogs are pretty happy, too. They have all day long to bug me! Will post more soon! Saturday, February 12, 2005 We did some stuff today and now I'm telling you!
I'm so happy!
I'll start at the beginning of the story and you will understand why. I was checking out my cousin's xanga this morning when my mom called me and told me we were going to Chick-Fil-A. I got dressed and everything,and got in the car,and we left. We went to Chick-Fil-A where I ordered el pollo. (chicken!) Muy muy excelente! (As you can see, I'm learning Spanish right now. It's fun!) I also ate hash browns, a biscuit, and orange juice! We then went to Office Max and looked at chairs. My mom got a new office chair, and I looked around for an extension cord for my microphone, which I did not find. When we finished our search and buy there, we went to Wal*Mart. There, I looked for an extension cord and found one and discovered that mom had one a lot like it at home. At Wal*Mart we got some food and left. We went home and Mom's new chair was set up and I got her other one, which is really cool! My old one was really squeaky and stuff, so I was glad to get rid of it. So, that's why I'm so happy! Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Everything is pretty calm right now
Ryleigh's Watching TV
![]() ![]() Right now everything's pretty normal. Everyone is calm. We're all kind of doing our own thing. Everything is going as it usually does on a normal day. The dogs are watching TV, the cat is wandering around somewhere, Bailey is reading a book, Mom is watching Oprah with the dogs, Dad's doing stuff on the computer, I'm doing stuff on my computer, everything is good. I finished my homework a while ago. I didn't have much. We had a substitute science teacher today. That doesn't change the homework, but I'd just thought I'd let you know. I can hear kids outside on their skateboards, that's pretty normal. I got a new book at the library today. It's pretty good. I'm on chap. 3 or 4, can't remember. Here's a link to it at Amazon if you wanna see what it's about and stuff. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0064401871/qid=1107904899/sr=8-2/ref=pd_bbs_2/102-3034085-3104923?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 The book is called A Little Princess. You've probably heard of it, maybe read it or seen the movie. It's pretty good so far. If you haven't heard of it then check it out! I really like reading, in fact, I'm gonna go read right now. See! Everyone's doing something normal! Monday, February 07, 2005 About the Super Bowl
I told you I'd tell you what happened...
Some time in the afternoon around 2 or 3: Mr. Ken and Mrs. Shay arrived while I was eating a snack. Those fruit rollups were good!!! They talked to me, my sister, my mom, and my Dad. After a while we they went and sat down and talked and I came in and talked with them. Then, I left and went upstairs to the computer. I recorded my heartbeat 4 times and my pulse once. It came out really good, you hear BOOM BOOM BOOM BREATHE BOOM BOOM BOOM HAHAHA! (the laughing is from Bailey's TV in the other room) Its really cool. When we peeked downstairs (through the webcam connected to the lap top that we put in the hallway) we saw that Dad and Mr. Ken were playing poker while Mrs. Shay watched and Mom was downstairs checking her e-mail. A little bit later we ate and watched the Super Bowl and Mom had know idea what the players were doing. After a while we had Dad's chocolate pie and watched some more football. Mrs. Shay started getting a little sick so they went home and we continued watching the Super Bowl. So that's what happened! Sunday, February 06, 2005 SUPER BOWL!!!
Usually my cousin Blane comes over for super bowl, but this year he won't..... And that makes me mad and sad. This year, he's goin with his friends.... :( So, my dad is having a couple of his friends come over for the super bowl. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, probably. Anyways, I'll keep ya posted!!! Saturday, February 05, 2005 All About It
Hey! I got back from Gooby's house about an hour or two ago. My story I am soon to tell might be long but it's good. It's all about it!
Here is my story; starting at 6:25 We got into the car and drove down the street to Gooby's house for her party. We went to the screen door and Gooby could not open it. We went around and through the garage into her house. Miranda and Fluffy (my friend Morgan) were already there. Just when I got there, Jordan arrived. We went into the house and set all our stuff down. We explored the house and I played with Joey. We excercised on their excercise thingy-mer-bobbers and went upstairs. We put Joey in his cage, because he is just a puppy and can't wander around the house by himself, and put on our PJs and slippers. Then we got in the car and drove to Eureka. We ordered our pizza and the lady said, in a boring kind of voice, "I guess you're having a slumber party so have fun." We left Eureka and got in the car and drove back to Gooby's house. Everybody ate their pizza and talked. When I got kind of bored of listening to them I went over to Goobys cat and started talking to him. Then, all of a sudden silence floods the room. I turn around and everybody's looking at me wondering why I am talking to a cat. I talk to cats all the time! Whats the problem? Don't know. So we start talking and Fluffy and I slip out of the room and upstairs. Gooby had pop music on her boombox playing really loud. We changed it to an 80's rock channel and started dancing very crazily. Which is not a word, but oh well. That's how I describe it!!! We danced and danced until I had a great idea. I told it to Fluffy and she agreed. The plan was that night, when everyone was asleep, we get the make-up out of my bag and draw on them with eye shadow and stuff. The plan was then official, and we were excited. But it was only 9! We had a long time to wait. We stepped out of the room and out of no where appeared Jordan, Gooby, and Miranda. Gooby and I screamed and didn't know what to do. There was no reason to be scared, we were just startled. We went downstairs and had cookie cake!!! After cookie cake it was Joeys bedtime. Gooby's mom went upstairs to bed. But none of that stopped us!!! We played American Idol! lol. It might sound immature, but it was technically just a bunch of making fun of the judges and previous contestants. And we did do some of our own stuff. Sometimes we sang seriously and sometimes we sang crazily. There's that word again... Who knows, it might become real in 20 years. lol. After we did American Idol we played Truth or Dare. That did not go well. We stopped pretty soon. Jordan would not let me do truth! I did not want dare so she got mad at me. And Gooby gave Miranda some weird drink so Miranda then had to give Gooby some weird drink that included pasta sauce, peanut butter, and some other things. She wouldn't drink it. We poured it down the sink and we had to scoop chunks of peanut butter pasta sauce chunks out of the sink. GROSS! After Truth or Dare Gooby, Jordan, and Miranda did each others hair. During this time, Fluffy and I played with balloons!!! Later the three hair people came in and played with balloons too. It was all very fun! After that we talked and stuff and went to sleep. Except for me. Fluffy, who had forgotten her word, had fallen asleep. I ran up and down stairs, walked around, made small noises, and no one moved. I went over and covered Fluffy's mouth in case she were to wake up and say something. She didn't wake at all. I wiggled her foot and she woke up. We crept into the other room and giggled like crazy! We were scared, scared, and more SCARED! If Jordan woke up and found me putting make-up on her, I wouldn't live to see another day. I urged Fluffy to go first. She did Miranda. She tip toed up to her, put one mark on her cheek, and ran into the room I was in. We laughed because we were so scared. We were shaking. It was my turn. I was scared to death. I got up behind Jordan, sat still for a moment to listen to her breathing, I was sure she was asleep, I marked her nose and cheek and forehead. I sat for a moment and watched her rub her nose. I waited for the perfect time and when it came, I took a run for it. We did not do Gooby so we had a plan. We put the make-up on ourselves so it would look like she did it to us. It worked. We went to sleep and woke up in the morning. I woke up and Jordan woke up, she pointed at my face and said, "What's on your face?". I acted surprised. "What's on your face?" I said, pointing back at her. I showed her where it was and she wondered who. Gooby was next to wake up. She was curious what was on our face also. Jordan soon found out that it was not Gooby. Morgan said she had no idea. There was one more suspect. Miranda was hidden under her covers, fast asleep. Eventually, she woke up because everyone kept stepping on her by accident. She looked in the mirror and saw it. Gooby asked me and Jordan if one of us did it. Jordan replied, "Why would we do it to ourselves?" So it remained a mystery. We then ate breakfast. Jordan had a volleyball game so she left early. When the door shut and she drived away, I revealed the culprit. But I told Gooby and Miranda not to tell her. So Jordan does not know. We went outside and played with water balloons. We took pictures and I filmed the water balloons splashing at the ground. We did a lot!!! Pretty soon, all the balloons ran out. We opened up a massage center for the birthday girl. We soaked her feet in warm water, massaged her neck, fed her grapes and capri-sun, and Fluffy played guitar. But, she made it up the whole time. She was just touching strings. Eventually, I had to go, and here I am now. Friday, February 04, 2005 Gooby's House
I'm going to Gooby's tonight! I get to see her dog Joey! YAY!
Will post about it later. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORDAN!!!(GOOBY!!!) Wednesday, February 02, 2005 What I've been doing, where I've been, what I will do, whatever!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just got finished practicing guitar and before that I was doing chores. Today is NO SCHOOL! It's a snow day! And it's February! What's so good about that? Um....well, my cousin's birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, and my other cousin's birthday is the day after Valetine's Day! I guess I'm just excited because now, we're half way through winter which means about half way on our way to warmth again! I am freezing!!! I may live down south of America, but I'm still far enough from the equator that I can get really really really cold! On monday we wrote a report on an animal and what use it is to us and why we (I) don't want it to become extinct. If I ever get it back, I'll probably post it. There was something I wrote that I was going to post but I lost it. I promise, I won't back out at the last minute this time like I did my poem. That was a stupid assignment anyways! Trust me, if you saw my poem, you wouldn't want me to post it either! This report, I'll post. If I ever get it back..... My digital camera hasn't been working. Whenever I try to turn it on, it says ERROR. I'm going to have to try to find out what that ERROR is. I was gonna take a picture of all the snow we're getting and post it, but I guess not. If I can figure it out, I'll post it later. Gotta go! Will post more soon! (will try) lol |