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    Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    Today is...Jocelyn!

    What am I talking about? Click here.

    Jocelyn is awesome! Even though she is shy, we get along well and share many alike interests. I didn't know her very well at the beginning of the year. She was one of those people who are just there. You know? She had lots of friends who I associated with so that's probably how we met. We started hanging out and found that we are a lot alike. For instance, one day we were sitting in the car (we carpool) and I told her that I would like to redecorate my room. I told her I wanted it to be purple, blue, and green and I mentioned some specific items illustrating that color and style. Her room was purple, blue, and green, and she has a lot of the same style stuff that I want. Freaky, or what? We talk a lot, especially since we carpooled during school. School got out on Tuesday. On Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, my mom and I would pick her up in the morning, and her mom would take us home in the afternoon. This made time for talk talk talk and chat chat chat. We do have different interests though. She likes movies similar to what Olivia likes, unlike me. But, Jocelyn also likes horror movies like "The Ring" and stuff like that. So really, she's pretty satisfied with just about anything. She is a little more "stylish" than me, and has a lot more clothes, but like me, shopping for too long (an hour, LOL) bores her.
    Jocelyn's personality is kind of odd. Lol! Just kidding, it's just not very me-like. She is very shy, unlike me, until you get to know her really well. She talks very quiet and soft. But she's always fun!

    link | posted by J at 7:50 PM | 0 comments

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    And Now...Olivia!

    Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here.

    Olivia is an awesome person. I just met her this year but we act like we've known each other our whole lives. Olivia is a fun and exciting person. She is a hyper dudette, but in a good way. She's great to talk to and she is very nice. You have probably seen her blog which reflects her personality very much in my opinion. I helped her set up her blog. Olivia and I go to school together and have become close friends. Olivia, myself, and Jocelyn, who you will read about soon, have created a good friendship. Although we may have different interests, we are alike in ways. Olivia is more of a chick-flick gal while I enjoy the horror and suspense. She does like some of my "scary" movies so we keep ourselves entertained. Mainly, we talk. We discuss all sorts of topics and always have fun. We do crazy things, but that's because we're friends. Olivia is a sporty girl, but not like a super big head victory crazed maniac. She has her share of cheer and gymnastics, with her history of soccer and other sports. She pretty much is a go-with-the-flow kind of laid back girl with an exciting personality.
    I haven't known Olivia very long, but we have experienced a lot together. From finding hamsters and torturing stuffed animals to riding roller coasters and shoppin' at the mall, Olivia and I can't say we get bored. We both love her cat Callie and share a love of animals. We both love computers and she really has a knack for it. There are lots of things Olivia is better at then me, and vise versa. We get along well and we seem to like each other. Lol! I hope that we continue having the privilege of being as close as we are.

    link | posted by J at 8:40 PM | 1 comments

    Monday, May 29, 2006


    Don't know what I'm talking about? Click Here.

    Katy is a great friend and neighbor. I met her many many moons ago when we were about 7. Actually, she would have been 5 or 6. Anyways, we're great friends. Katy is the kind of person I can tell anything to. She shares my thoughts and opinions. Living next door to her, I have the wonderful pleasure of being able to call her, bug her, and drag her outside. LoL! No, that's not how it works. Even if we shoot hoops or scooter, we're always talking. We talk about this and that, him and her, high and low, and all that jazz. We criticize each other and laugh. You know how all the immature stupid people do that "I'm mad at you!" "We're not friends anymore!". Katy and I do not do that. First of all, why would Katy be mad at me? But also, that's just stupid! Katy and I are so close, we practically share siblings. Yep, that means I can yell at her little brother and she can yell at my sister. But she doesn't. Katy has a temper, but surprisingly, she doesn't really use it. Something I can never say is that Katy loses control. She can blow up inside her head and then nicely ask the little kids to go away. It's like magic! But you see my point.
    You know a little about her personality, now let's talk interest. Lol! She enjoys golf and is very committed to it. She's a lot more used to being outside than I am. She's had her share of soccer games and swim practice, but she and her siblings have stuck to golf. She likes to ride bikes, and so do her grandparents. Oh yeah, you probably want an explanation. Her Mama and Papa are so cool! They came over one day and were biking and scootering with me and Katy! It was awesome. I like it when her grandparents visit. Anyways, Katy also likes to climb stuff with me! She seems like such an athletic girl which seems so unlike me, but she's really not. I'm the one that runs around the street with her and helps her climb. We do a lot together and it never gets old!
    One thing about Katy that is so great is she puts up with me! LoL!

    link | posted by J at 6:57 AM | 0 comments

    Sunday, May 28, 2006

    What I Plan To Post

    No you're not going insane...
    Deja vu?
    Not quite...
    Just tradition...
    I guess!

    Last year, on May 27th I made a post similar to this. Last year, for a whole week and maybe more was "Friend Week" where I wrote about a different friend every day. Some of my friends might be the same but I have had more experiences with them and grown to learn more about them. I have also made new friends. Some friends...Ahem Sara...have moved away. You will learn about these friends throughout the week(s).

    What the heck am I talking about?
    Last Year:
    Sunday, May 29th: What I Plan To Post
    Monday, May 30th:Katy
    Tuesday, May 31st:Sara
    Wednesday, June 1st:Lisa
    Thursday, June 2nd:Gooby
    Friday, June 3rd:Hannah
    Saturday,June 4th:Jordan F.
    Sunday, June 5th:Korah
    Monday, June 6th: Kambri,Fluffy
    Tuesday, June 7th:Leta

    This Year:
    Hope you like surprises!

    link | posted by J at 7:08 AM | 1 comments

    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    Building Titans

    3 pods...

    Bell rings, and English is over. I walk down the hall with my books and head down to my math class. Yeah...Math class... I set down my books, and sit down. Not for long!
    "C'mon guys!"
    Mrs. Krueger is an awesome teacher. Anyways, we walk all the way across the school. My math teacher, myself, and the 20 other kids in my class. Next to the Champions pod is an empty pod. We went in and put some of Mrs. Krueger's stuff in a classroom. Mrs. Krueger is moving to the grade ahead of me. That means (gasp!) I just might get her next year! Back to life: Where was I? Oh yeah! She told us to grab a stapler and walk out into the hall. She assigned certain people certain jobs. I helped put blue fabric on a giant bulletin board in the hallway. Ok, ok, I held it up while the "tall" people stapled it. The best is yet to come... I went to the bulletin board down the hall, and stood on a desk that had been dragged down there. Mrs. Krueger was at the other end, stapling a light blue fabric to the board as I helped. I am very short so I had to stand on my tippy-toes to reach the top. And no, I could not reach the ceiling. Yeah yeah, Hahaha... After that I helped Randi hold up the red fabric as Mrs. K stretched and stapled it across the long bulletin board. I look to my right and on the floor is the blue fabric cut from the bulletin board. The fabric we had put on was to long and had had the bottom cut off. Idea? Oh yeah...That's me. 5 minutes later I was wrapped in fabric from multiple bulletin boards. I was strolling the hall in dark blue, light blue, red, and my face. It wrapped around everywhere. I only had the use of my left arm. I went into a classroom of working kids and experienced something strange. Some kid ran up to me and started swinging a yard stick at me yelling "Kill the hobo!". Not cool... LOL! Once I escaped I tore off my beauty and turned around just in time to see two Champions gaping at me. I kid you not. I went over to the tall bulletin board where Kenneth struggled. He asked for my assistance so I helped him. We stapled down red fabric and trimmed it. My class and I tidied up and admired our work. Boas, fabric, and colors showered the room. My staples, fabric I had touched, fabric I had cut, creases I had smoothed out over and over, were in that one pod. I left knowing that a piece of me was in that pod too. Cool!

    4 pods...

    link | posted by J at 7:29 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, May 22, 2006

    Shopping with Olivia

    Yeah you know the drill:

    Olivia called me on Friday night and asked me a question. She asked if I wanted to go shopping with her on Saturday. I agreed and the next day, we went.
    Olivia and I walked into the mall talking, of course. We first went into Romancing the Stone. I like that store, it's cool. We looked at some of the jewelry and stuff. Of course, we looked at the hermit crabs and played with them. Olivia was naming them and it was really funny! She really like the itty-bitty ones. Hmm....Wonder why... LOL! Anyways, we continued our trek throughout the mall. The next store we went to was Aeropostale, I think. We looked at their expensive but cute clothing and shoes. We talked and stuff and later left to go to another store... It was either Charlotte Russe or Wet Seal, I'm not sure. In Wet Seal, Olivia tried on a ton of shoes! And she looked great in all of them! LOL! Next, we went to Gloria Jeans, YUM! Olivia hadn't gotten anything there before. I know, shocking! I got a Coco Loco Mocha Chiller, (say that 10 times fast), and so did she. But she had trouble saying it! LOL! (Me too...) I get that every time. On our way to Claire's, we saw one of Liv's friends. Her name was Sammi. She tagged along for a while and hung out at Claire's with us. Eventually she left and Olivia and I kept walking around. We later went to the car and rode off. Hanging out with her was lots of fun!

    link | posted by J at 8:26 PM | 2 comments

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    Band Tryouts

    Ahhh...The saxophone...
    A beautiful sound...
    The alto-sax...
    A low, calm set of notes played on the treble clef...
    But I can't play it!

    I walked into the band room for tryouts. It was flooded with people around my age. For weeks I have known that I want the alto-sax. I have heard it many times before and I find the woodwind family a very simple yet challenging class. I tried out for the alto sax. Good..good...
    "Lemme see your hand." The lady asked.
    Everyone knows I am very petite.
    I held my hand up to hers.
    "Sorry, you can't play the alto-sax...Too small."
    Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know what you're thinking: Oh no! Poor J! Her fragile little heart is crushed. Well, you'll be surprised! Here is a compliment:
    "I bet you'd be really good at the clarinet."
    So, I get in line. I wait..wait..wait... She hands me the clarinet and I play a bit. She said I was very good. Only one problem: I do not like the clarinet. She said I would enjoy the trumpet. Don't ask... I went over to the trumpet and waited and waited with Olivia and Andrew. We chatted and stuff and eventually they left and I was all alone... Well, not really, there were a lot of people in line. Eventually it is my turn to try out. He hands me a trumpet and I caught on pretty quick. I played a few notes without really trying, and admittedly did pretty well. He wanted to challenge me. He hadn't done this with the other people.
    "Go higher..."
    Yeah--I'm dead.
    I can't sing high at all! I am not a high-pitch person. On the trumpet, I had a variety of low and medium notes. I could do the low without sturggling. Keep in mind, I am a girl.
    I played a few notes, as high as I could go, which was not very high. He asked me to go higher... I'll let you do the math. Ever heard the sound effects of a car wreck?
    Aside from that, he said I was pretty good and caught on quickly. He said that if I needed more options, I should try the flute. Bleehhhh.... I went to try the flute and I waited and waited... I just had to be so tiny that I couldn't play the instrument I really liked. I thought about some other options. I did like the sound of the trumpet... It is a good size... I seem to have a natural ability of some sort, or at least close enough...
    My turn... I held the fulte sideways. What had Olivia told me about it? She is a great musician, and she had learned how to play the flute. She said something like close your lips and make a tiny hole, and go too. She had showed me, so I tried to imitate. The sudden high pitch almost scared me. I paused, and played a little more. The woman said I would be very good at the flute, and told me I should probably consider it. She asked if I had anything else on my mind. I answered her with "The trumpet" and told her about my alto sax problem. She said I should go back to the trumpet and ask the trumpet dude what he thinks. She didn't use the term dude, though. I went to the trumpet area, but there was a different guy there. He wasn't in a hurry like the other man, and seemed to take time to talk to people. I told him my story and he asked what kind of pitch I like. What kind of pitch do I like? The alto sax is on the treble clef, but it's low and smoothe. I described that sound to him and he said that the trumpet would be good for my liking. I thought about this, and told him that I got more compliments on my flute playing. I asked if I could try the trumpet again to see where I stood in the skills department. I played for him and he said I was very good. He had me play some more and worked with me a bit. He told me I had talent in the brass instrument area. I made the decision... your reading the blog of a trumpet player...

    Olivia: Guess what!
    Me: What?
    Olivia: I decided to play the alto sax!

    My dear, sweet Olivia...

    link | posted by J at 5:22 PM | 0 comments

    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    A Tragedy, and then Another

    Olivia was going to have a sleepover. Mom and I were making her present, when we got a call.
    Olivia has an aunt in Iowa. It is her favorite aunt.
    Rrrring! Hello? Oh no!
    Olivia's aunt had gone to have open heart surgery, when her heart started bleeding out and stopped. Why had she had open heart surgery? Being exposed to secondhand smoke can do thing to your arteries.
    Olivia's aunt was married...to a smoker. Olivia's aunt was a daughter...of a smoker. Olivia's aunt was surrounded...by smokers.
    Not cool...
    That was on Thursday.
    I am happy to announce that on Friday, they found that the doctors have her heart beating on it's own, and they have to wait for her brain to catch up with it.
    At first, they thought she wouldn't make it.
    Now there is a larger chance she will!
    Please pray for her, I have been.

    Another Tragedy
    I come home from school.
    "Hi Bail."
    "Bye Bail."
    "Hi Dad."
    "Love you Dad."
    "Bye Dad."
    "Hi Mom."
    When Mom speaks, nobody speaks.
    "Hey! You know Mrs. Wolfe at FCS? She had a heart attack in class! She is an 8th grade teacher."
    She had gotten her information from Brandi, and yes, right in the middle of a lesson, Mrs. Wolfe passed out and had a heart attack. Some say it was irregular heart beat, others claim it was blood clot. Something caused it. I don't even think Mrs. Wolfe is sure. Anyways, the ambulances rushed to the school and took Mrs. Wolfe. She is still alive, that's good. They can't do surgery, that's bad. If they do surgery it will probably kill her. If they don't...
    It will probably kill her.
    Please pray for her too.

    link | posted by J at 6:55 AM | 0 comments

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